New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance he’ll need to reconcile some problems.

Problem: You can’t run for congress complaining about an irresponsible 400 billion dollar deficit (you helped create) and then replace it with a multi-trillion dollar generational one you helped create.  Current claims at future fiscal fidelity fit into the same category as "but baby she meant nothing to me."  Anyone who is not an idiot will doubt your veracity, and rightly so.

Problem: The new calls for an end to earmarks and calls for congressional pay cuts look hollow when you do them after all of your appropriations have been requested and the kind of people who donate to your campaign are earmark masters who also haul in loads of lobbyist cash; who then donate it to you so you can tell us how ethical and fiscally prudent you are.

Problem:  "Independent voice," based on the evidence at hand, tells us that given 100 opportunities to speak independently Paul Hodes will miss three votes, vote against his party twice (most likely on naming bridges or post offices) and will then vote with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama the other 95 times.  This begs the question, "independent from what?"  Reality? 

I guess New Hampshire is nestled up against San Francisco bay or perhaps the Connecticut river is actually the Potomac and that’s not Vermont but Virginia across the river.


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