There is a long list of things that any two high-profile tin-foil-hat Proglodytes will have in common. A preference for high crime, poverty, and chaos, for example (in your neighborhood, not theirs). But now, former CNN talking head Don Le′mon and congress-critter Ilhan Omar share another hypocrisy.
Islamophobia Has No Place in America, But Republicanphobia – Plenty of Room for That!
Lizard Warren lied for decades, selling herself as a diversity hire and then bragging about it. A forced apology many years too late, and all is forgiven, at least by the people that matter to Liz Warren, but she’s still a skeeving two-faced fraud.
Another Episode Of “Liberals Protest” Being Treated Like a Border Town
Yarmouth, Massachusetts, is an 85% white, mostly Irish/English, above-average income town on Cape Cod. It also has a majority-liberal population protesting the unexpected arrival of illegal immigrants (Migrants™) dumped on them by the State of (Emergency) Massachusetts.
Who’s Banning Whom? – The Hypocrisy of Being Called a “Book Banner”
Kirk Cameron’s recently published children’s book, Pride Comes Before the Fall, is a charming story about the dangers inherent in being overly prideful rather than humble. While some detractors have labeled this book by the former child TV star as “anti-gay” because of its message about pride, Cameron prefers to call it “pro-humility.”
Sanctuary Democrats in One Picture
The comedy of errors that is the left’s sanctuary state of mind was epitomized by the reaction on Martha’s Vineyard when two plane loads of Illegal Aliens landed on the island. Not on my lawn.
Time to Update Those Progressive “In My America” Yard Signs (Again) – “Immigrants” Not Welcome Edition
With the military-like detention and withdrawal of 50 Venezuelan “migrants” from Martha’s Vineyard, the fraud has been almost completely unmasked. I guess using guys with guns to “deport” “illegals” is a go?
Corporations Offering to Pay for an Abortion Holiday Aren’t Doing it to Support Abortion “Rights” …
Yuge #woke corporations have come out in the wake of Dobbs v Jackson to plant their flag in the women of American women. We (they say) will pay for you to travel to a state that allows abortions.
The Obama’s Want to Burn More Fossil Fuels at “soon to be underwater” Beachfront Island Mansion
If you want a story with layers of hypocrisy, this is probably it. The Daily Caller reports that Barack and Michelle Obama want to install underground residential-use propane tanks at their seven-bedroom, 8 1/2 bath Martha’s Vineyard Mansion. The one on a beach, at sea level.
BLM Co-Founder Quits -Blames Right Wing (for Exposing Her as a Fraud?)
Patrisse Cullors co-founded Black Lives Matter (BLM), and like many before her, Sharpton, Jackson, etc., she used it to make herself rich, living large (in a mostly white neighborhood). And right-wingers telling people about that is racist.
Even After Passing ‘Racist’ Law it’s Still “Easier to Vote” in Georgia Than In Biden’s Delaware
Remember when Georgia advanced legislation to clean up their voting laws and the Left (Dems, Media, Celebrities, Corporatists) lost their freaking minds? How often did you then hear that even after passage, it’s easier to vote in Georgia than in Joe Biden’s Deleware?
What Would Happen if Trump Had Said This About The “Protestors?”
“They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop … This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day.
Prime Democrat Sponsor of Anti-Doxxing Bill is Doxxing
Representative Janice Schmidt (D -Nashua) is the prime sponsor of a bill that would make it a crime if you engaged with public officials electronically and they decided you are a cyberbully. Sharing an email or phone number would be doxxing. But not when they do it. And they do it.
New Hampshire Democrats Love Quid Pro Quos
Show me a Democrat, and I’ll show you a quid pro quo. And not just this for that. Our entire Democrat congressional delegation is guilty. So, should they all be impeached?
Girls Can Grow Up to Be Anything…Just Not Conservative
Elections where minority candidates lose, except in places like (say) New Hampshire, have become an opportunity for the left to wield the nuclear bomb called racism, on (of all people) women. Exit polling where Stacy Abrahams and Andrew Gillum have yet to win (because Democrat voting never ends even after the polls close) showed more white women voting for … Read more
Women’s “Health Care” Organization Endorses Democrat Man Accused of Hitting a Woman
The Left’s hypocrisies are epic no less so with regard to “women’s health.” Forget for the moment the physical and mental problems that result from abortion and consider something much more simple. Planned Parenthood rides its private for-profit business model on the coat tails of the Democrat Party Narrative known as “women’s health.” It then … Read more
Before You Raise My Taxes, Do You Take any Deductions?
One of the highest forms of participation in society for the left is the obligation to pay taxes. It’s patriotic, it’s civic-minded, it’s all kinds of things, but most importantly it is a moral obligation.
And the left always wants everyone to give more because frankly there is no ceiling on how big their government can get or home mush it needs. So, you’ll hear all sorts of explanations for why we need more taxes or higher taxes. But before you let them off the hook ask that Democrat a few questions.
Where New Hampshire Democrats Pretend They Want to Protect You From Taxes
Democrats are blaming Gov Sununu for failing to appear at the special session of the legislature. It is their contention that the legislation meant to put a stop gap on other states taxing New Hampshire business after the Wayfair decision could have passed the house had he appeared to support it.
No, it wouldn’t. Here’s why.
House Democrats Should Change “Mid-Term Slogan” to ‘We Hate You’
A year ago Congressional Democrats rolled out a tagline for the upcoming midterms. ‘A Better Deal.’ For who? In New Hampshire, if we believe the Democrats around here, that amounts to higher taxes and more regulations. So it’s a better deal for Democrats, lobbyists, and special interests who benefit from higher taxes and bigger government.
Seeing as all those things will come at your expense, it’s never going to be a better deal for you, even if you sign up on one of the victim-class club lists posted by the gate, outside the walled pavilion where the progressive slogan-writers and liberal luminaries do the people’s work.
The Democrat’s Child Endangerment Exception: Not a Crime for Illegal Aliens

We had separation week, but as it turns into Separation Summer, I had another thought about how hypocritical the far-left is on the so-called issue of Trump separating families.
If you walked your children across an unforgiving desert or placed them in the company of narco-terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, or gang members, sometimes for weeks, (or packed into hot trailers for days) wouldn’t Child and Family Services (or some other big government bureaucracy with which the left exercises its ‘compassion’) send law enforcement to separate them from you and you from them?
Get Money Out of Politics Group Silent After PAC Commits 23 Million to One Dem Senator
Still no word from “get money out of politics” groups like Open Democracy regarding Billionaire Tom Steyer dumping three-quarters of a million dollars into New Hampshire for the last four-plus months of the 2018 Election cycle. Not that I expected as much as a peep. Steyer is, after all, one of them. He’s supporting their issues and their candidates.
While we wait for them to find their outrage, here’s a story about one PAC spending $23 million to protect a Democrat “get money out of politics” US Senator who could lose his seat in November.