Border Crisis: “Give Me The Money”

Joe Biden has three coined responses when asked about the state of the southern border or the crisis at the border. “Give me the power,” “the problem with the border is Donald Trump and his MAGA friends,” and his personal favorite, “give me the money.”

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mRna vaccine poison - original image pixaby

So, It’s Okay to Poison the Children Now?

It was only a few years ago that Vermont lawmakers were bragging that thanks to them, Vermont had adopted the lowest acceptable threshold for PCBs (a potential carcinogen found in certain pre-1980s building materials) in schools – a level significantly lower than what the federal EPA deems safe (4000% lower!).

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dollar bills cash money

20 Budget Tips for My Town, and Yours!

As we embark on the latest city budget fiasco that’s going to cost us where it hurts, as a taxpayer who has to balance a home and business budget, here are some tips. First, I implore you to stay under the tax cap or, even better, below. Second, the key to successful budgeting is to start with income and work within those numbers backward, not the other way around!

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Jan Brady Meme Russia Russia Russia

Biden Administration Blames Putin For US Inflation

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation in the US. Much like blaming the border crisis on Republicans despite years of Trump wrangling to “Build That Wall,” this effort to project American inflation onto Putin’s shoulders rings hollow.

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money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

California’s Million Dollar Conundrum

California, The Golden State, symbolized the spirit and curiosity of America for decades. California was the American dream. California now exemplifies much of what is wrong with America, and how it is declining could be a harbinger of America’s future.

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broken piggy bank money Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Biden’s Climate Change Piggy Bank

We first must understand that the President has no authority to allocate U.S. tax dollars. Congress is charged with the sole responsibility of how and where the United States distributes the hard-earned money of the American People.

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