For Democrats, Justice is a One-Way Street

Most people would agree that no free society can survive without a fair, unbiased justice system, one in which everyone is treated equally and no one is above the law. While so many governments around the world are rife with corruption and unequal justice, most Americans agree that, while imperfect, our judicial system has always been the best there is.

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Fani Says It’s Racist To Call Her Corrupt

Fani Willis, the political hack prosecutor in Georgia persecuting … not a typo: persecuting, not prosecuting Trump and his supporters for the “crimes” of complaining that the rigged 2020 election was rigged, has been accused, essentially, of using her office to launder money to her boyfriend.

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“A Modest Proposal”

Every time Congress decides to “debate” whether or not to give themselves a raise, they try to do it in secret because it’s a very unpopular move, for obvious reasons.

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money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

How Much Is Too Much for Ukraine?

Funding for Ukraine is causing a lot of political drama – did you notice how I did not use the word “war”?  Some politicians want additional funding for Ukraine, some do not, and there is a report suggesting we might want to rethink foreign aid.

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When Is an Election Not an Election?

There’s a lot of censorship of information about the corruption of America’s political system. The point is our system of government has been corrupted. If this assertion is true, we need to do something about it and do it now.

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biden ice cream cone

Will Anyone Pay For Their Sins

Corruption, Bribery, Tax-Evasion, Money Laundering, Lying, and deception; are not sins of the mob but of our President, his family, and his administration. Over my seven decades, I have seen Presidents do questionable things while in power.

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Corrupting the Federal Government – One Department at a Time

Joseph Robinette Biden is a corrupt politician. At least that’s what a recent survey suggests. A poll by Trafalgar Group indicates that more than half of American voters believe Biden and his family are guilty of influence peddling – receiving payments from foreign countries aimed at influencing national policy decisions. Less than one-third of voters … Read more

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