Hodespocrisy – Birds Of A Feather

Fifteen democrat Senators have written a letter to the FEC seeking to act on the possibility that multinationals are using their foreign dollars to affect US elections.  Ten of the fifteen have PAC’s that have donated to Paul ‘foreign money hypocrite’ Hodes.  All but one of the fifteen has taken money in 2010 from foreign multi-nationals including Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a co-signer and co-hypocrite who took at least 41,850.00 potentially foreign dollars in 2010 herself before signing the letter.

But that’s a hypocrite for a different election.  We’re here to remind you what a hypocrite Paul Hodes is.

A review of US Senators by CNBC identifies 86 who have received money from companies that fit the left wing narrative on those meddling foreign contributors, at least 27 of whom have PACS or committees that have shared money with Paul Hodes.  That’s on top of money he’s received directly from organizations or companies with a foreign presence.

And on the jump (or the CNBC link above) you can see all the foreign money the letter signers have roped in, just in 2010.

So I guess they’ll be giving it all back then?




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Hodespocrisy –‘Chamber Of Commerce’ Edition

Uh....Paul Hodes gets an ‘A+’ for toeing the Pelosi/Obama Party line, and a least an ‘A’ for recycling the party talking points.  For example, Barack Obama has been wandering around claiming the Chamber of Commerce is using foreign money to affect local elections.  Paul Hodes has been wandering around New Hampshire saying the exact same thing.


“Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations,” Mr. Obama said. “So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.”


Hodes-From Roll Call

 “It could very well be that foreign money’s coming in to try to trample the voice of democracy,” Hodes said. “That’s a sad state of affairs.”



"… there are reports that the Chamber of Commerce is using money from foreign companies to influence New Hampshire elections."

I asked Hodes Lie-deflector Mark Bergman to show us the reports.  I guess Mark isn’t reading my blog, or he simply has no proof, but I know why he has no proof. 

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Hodespocrisy Flashback- Why I Call Him Paul “Sugar Daddy” Hodes

Photo Credit 'TopNews.in'A few months back I discovered that Paul Hodes had received a one time $10,000.00 donation from American Crystal Sugar (A major US Sugar conglomerate), at about the same time as the 288 billion dollar 2007/2008 Farm bill was being pushed through congress, and vetoes overrode.  US Sugar is a protected industry with a good amount of political influence.  American Crystal Sugar wanted to get into the ethanol industry but could not justify the up front costs.  Hodes and the farm billed solved that problem with your money. 

Here’s the original piece I wrote on the relationship.




Paul Hodes has a dirty little secret.  His ‘commitment’ to green energy has strings attached that lead directly to the sugar industry and a significant campaign cash “Thank You.” 

Back in 2007 and 2008 Congress waged an epic battle over the Farm Bill.  They didn’t call it the farm bill they called it the Food Nutrition and Bio-Energy Act.  What it was (or became) was a 288 billion dollar sop to the agriculture industry with a focus on approving billions into ethanol subsidies for the farm belt before the 2008 elections. 

To muddy up the real purpose the democrat majority in congress tossed in money for food stamps and school lunches so that any effort to kill it could be spun as evil Republicans starving the poor and denying underprivileged students a hot nutritious lunch.   When some republicans balked, the left jumped.  And when George Bush, who was still friendly to the idea of ethanol mandates, vetoed both the bill (HR 2419) and the supplement that added in some items left out of the original (HR 6124) the democrat majority House overturned both vetoes. (Both henceforth to be referred to simply as the “farm bill”) 

So Paul Hodes not only voted for the hand outs, he voted for them four times: twice to pass the original bills and twice to overturn the vetoes. Does that show commitment?  I think it does.

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Hodes Dogs of Hypocrisy

For 2010, before "discovering" that he was against earmarks in an election year, Paul Hodes, democrat congressman and candidate for the US Senate requested over 51,000,000.00 million in appropriations.  That earned him the distinction of being ranked the 45th highest earmarker in the entire House of Representatives for 2010. That’s 45 out of 435 in … Read more

Has Hodes Joined The Party Of No?

Have you noticed that Paul Hodes is running on the things he voted against?  It’s a very short list and represents less than a fraction of 1% of his votes, but wouldn’t that mean he’s running as the party of no? I thought no was bad.  In fact, for the past two years, "no" has … Read more

New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance … Read more

Hodespocrisy – Quick shot

Mr. Ethics, Paul "Hot Dog" Hodes (you know what’s inside hot dogs) still has a slew of Senate slime ball donors for me to review, but this caught my attention and I had to write it up. The top 20 recipients of Lobbyist funds in the 2010 cycle includes 15 democrats.  (That’s 15 out of … Read more

Hodespocrisy– It’s Mr. Crowley

Paul Hodes knows Joe Crowley. He accepted a $2000.00 campaign donation from Crowley’s Job’s Opportunities & Education PAC. Crowley is the DCCC’s finance chairman which is actually kind of humorous given the ethics charges against him.

Hodespocrisy–The Tale of Dirty Dick

Dick Durbin, or Dirty Dick as we like to call him around the shop, is a prominent Senator from Illinois and another $10,000.00 donor to Paul Hodes.  Durbin has all the standard conflicts with the "New and Improved Hodes–With extra Hypocritical Action!, and coming in at 685 million in earmark requests since fiscal year 2008 (117 million in 2010), dirty Dick should fit nicely into Paul’s stated mission to end earmark abuse in congress.

You’d think that soon to be private citizen Hodes would be concerned that all of his major donors are pork addicts. Simply taking money from them violates his earmark parole, but since when did integrity have anything to do with it.  It’s clearly about saying whatever it takes to get re-elected. 

So what else is so special about Durbin?


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Hodespocrisy–The Menendez Chronicles

Being as concerned as they are about ethics and corruption (over at the offices of the New Hampshire Democrat Party) you’d think Paul ‘Jersey’ Hodes would have refused that $10,000.00 campaign contribution from Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ).  Menendez is a long time benefactor of corrupt SEC violator Goldman Sachs (see below) and being from Jersey’s most corrupt Hudson county Menendez has been linked to any number of ethical "misunderstandings" throughout his career.

What kind of misunderstandings you ask?

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Hodespocrisy–“It’s Not A Schoomah”

It's Not A Toomah!In keeping with the holier than thou New Hampshire Democrat Party “rules” committee’s abhorrence of money from ‘corrupt’ sources, we bring you Chuck Schumer, New York Senator, Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, and committee member on Banking, Finance, and judiciary.  He has also stained Paul Hodes already questionable reputation with dirty money–$10,000.00 dollars worth of it.

Remember all those Wall Street firms Hodes was standing against? You know, the Wall Street vs. Main Street smackdown. The big bank vs. small bank rhetoric.   Well Hodes can probably thank them for the $10,000.00 dollars he got from Schumer.  Senator Schumer gets ‘fed’ by all of the bailed out boys and girls (and those in between), including an eye-popping career sum from SEC violators Goldman Sachs.  Goldman has shoveled almost half a million of its greedy dollars to Schumer– 486,000.00.  And Schumer’s total career “take” from the evil anti-main Street banking crowd is a paltry $7,000,000.00 million.


Can you hear the crickets over at the NHDP headquarters. Loud little bastards aren’t they?

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Hodespocrisy–The Max Baucus Edition

Money money money money...Max Baucus, Democrat Senator from Montana, is the chairman of the Senate Finance committee and his Glacier PAC has donated $10,000.00 dollars to Paul Hodes for Senate.  Baucus may be best known for his influence on Health Care reform or Climate change legislation.  But what he should be known for is his relationship with lawyer/staffer Melodee Hanes, (here, here and here) whom he left his wife for, and also nominated for a job as US district attorney from Montana. (then there’s this) Talk about inside baseball.  But banging a staffer, dumping your wife, and then trying to hook-her up with a well paying federal job–even if it is love–demands questions about your core values and integrity so it’s a good thing he’s a democrat.

If Baucus was Mark Sanford for example, the media would have hung him from the pillory by his man-parts and shamed him out of seeking higher office which makes you wonder if Mark Sanford would have faired better if he’d tried to get his Argentinean mistress a job at the State Department?  Buy her a blue dress and hello Oval Office?  I guess we’ll never know, but since Baucus is a powerful Senator and a democrat, everything about it is a non-scandal-scandal to the unbiased media so he was never in any serious danger over that cozy relationship; but should it make Paul Hodes think twice?

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