Paul Hodes – Lobbyist?

The Concord Monitor is reporting that Paul Hodes has started a business consultancy. This will have him back and forth to Washington DC for the purpose of connecting northern New England to Washington DC; a lateral move from his role as congressman when he was trying to sign New Hampshire away to Washington DC.

New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance … Read more

Hodespocrisy – Quick shot

Mr. Ethics, Paul "Hot Dog" Hodes (you know what’s inside hot dogs) still has a slew of Senate slime ball donors for me to review, but this caught my attention and I had to write it up. The top 20 recipients of Lobbyist funds in the 2010 cycle includes 15 democrats.  (That’s 15 out of … Read more

You Want Us To Take This Seriously?

Yeah?  When pigs fly!Cynicism is the proper lens through which all political activity should be viewed–particularly by incumbents—so pardon my skepticism but this latest legislative effort by Paul Hodes strikes me as a bit hollow.

CONCORD — Members of Congress and federal regulators would be barred from working as lobbyists for a minimum of two years under a bill that U.S. Rep. Paul Hodes said yesterday he is sponsoring.

Hodes, D-N.H. is a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg. Hodes said his proposal would "stop the lobbyists’ revolving door" in Washington. House members would have to wait two years before moving to a lobbying firm, Senate members would have to wait six years. Regulators over the banking, securities and oil industries would have to wait six years.

Digesting? Good, let’s think this through.

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