After four Biden years, America’s first benefit still awaits. Such a record is not by accident. Not to be rude or disrespectful of the office, but the consistency of deception and lies during these last four years needs to be summed up with one word, “Bidenized.”
This term refers to the meaningless state of any innocent word or phrase, which Biden’s word usage captures. Trump’s inauguration will shine as a clear and much more meaningful version than America’s last; when Bidenizing stained the occasion. Remember when his speech included his promise to “unite” all Americans? In addition to not being a man of his word, his speech contained the deeper sin of blasphemy when swearing his Presidential efforts to God. As time would tell, his faithless conduct also included approval of what his Catholic religion forbids.
The actions and policies of the Biden Presidency are now left to historians, who tend to produce their own Bidenized versions. Future young generations will no doubt attest to those scripts, as do our current students; however, the truth is still a treasure worthy of the necessary time and effort. The point being is when the disingenuous lead our nation or become party to our governing, their imprint remains influential with current affairs and future decision-making. So, obviously, this needs to be eliminated!
This is a residue which our Forefathers did their best to avoid. Foremost in their deliberations was a concern for assuring faithful and loyal leadership along with a limited level of governing which supposedly would curtail personal gains or unrelated incentives. Their former emphasis for faithful leadership was addressed with their Constitutional mandate that any potential President had to be a “natural born citizen.” Since their time, the meaning of that phrase has also been revised with a dose of false rendering! Actually, it’s not about where one is born, as generations have been led to believe, it’s about one’s parents since both are required to be citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.
Think about it! Our forefathers reasoned that parenting, rather than location, would infuse more influence simply from child-rearing than being born in a certain locale. This was their intent despite Presidential “grandfathering” those of their generation who were born abroad prior to our independence. Yet this false location belief is the one being taught, similar to America being a democracy instead of it being a Constitutional Republic! Such false rendering is not without a purpose and that purpose has finally surfaced!
Tomorrow, as the title infers, opens a new American age. However, corrections will not be without our caring and involvement. The latter is obtained with our increased interest, which eventually arms us all with more knowledge. Too many consider governing to be far away and needless of any “back home” influence. The opposite is the case. Sure, those with gains in mind love quiet constituents, but that only greases their wheeler-dealing and personal profits. People power actually elected a President despite every sector of the establishment voicing their vehement opposition. Guess what, “we the people” mattered! To think otherwise is to be Bidenized! We need to recall that gaining our independence wasn’t easy so neither should be its maintenance! Besides, what comes easy is never appreciated! God Bless America and this new-age President!