The current state of the democrat party is a harsh preview of what they have in store for America. Fortunately, their agenda was interrupted by an awakened populace that once again elected Donald Trump! Many have attributed Trump’s return to an ever-saving Grace, especially since that day in Butler, Pa., rather than the reckless manner in which his opposition campaigned. Taken together, his election becomes a slam dunk!
From a personnel perspective, the caliber of this particular party has been in the tank long before Biden entered our Oval Office. Continuing to identify as a political entity only re-enforces the stature of what has sadly become merely another profession! Such deterioration has spread across the aisle but inklings of a return to a “public service” spirit are increasing, primarily with the less affected side of the aisle.
Long ago, the first blatant example came with Wilson’s insulting proclamation that American democracy was worthy worldwide. The fact that democracy was an identified goal of Marx should have alarmed and may well have if the people’s representatives still followed the recipe of public service. The next significant deviation came with FDR’s lengthy tenure of implementing many of his pet socialist programs.
More relevant today was when a peanut farmer turned Georgia Governor began his Presidency with a grant of amnesty to all who refused their nation’s call to service! After this insult to all who served, it was double down time with another out of nowhere Governor, who also owned that same cowardly resume, yet also gained the democrat’s nomination and eventual election and re-election! The Democrats later outdid themselves by nominating one who, to this day, has yet to provide a credible birth certificate! Also, this particular two-term President later identified as being a Muslim!
These details never rated the headlines that have followed Trump since his escalator ride till the present. And still, our media’s spokesmen take umbrage at being labeled “fake news! Imagine this, despite the fakery of the endless Trump headlines and their hammering away about his “gruff” mannerisms. Amazingly, America is now Blessed to regain the proper and loyal leadership of a leader who has endured all in addition to the attempts on his life, with one being nearly fatal. And still, he loves his country and defies all such tactics so that he may once again serve and hopefully save her.
As previously stated, the democrat party is awash with its own ineptness. Their penchant to round up all available “team players” spelled their current quandary. Such “players” have never been tested and lack initiative or any merit since their lives have been a series of kneel-downs or self-praising. To befuddle the American voter into electing and re-electing those previously mentioned defines a national malady that needs correcting. Hopefully with these latest election results, our mending is on the way.
Given the ordeals this billionaire has weathered, only one strength could sustain such perseverance. God has Blessed his country with another messenger. The least we, as a grateful people can do, is listen and give thanks for His gracious benevolence!