A Vital Realization

by Jim Bowman

The plight of the democrat Party was self-imposed and internally should have been anticipated when adopting the communist regimen.  Accordingly, their statements and policies have consistently been anti-American, especially since the Obama years.  However, in their efforts to remake America, they forgot or gave little importance to the fact that in America, free elections both occur and matter.  As the above-mentioned comrade once stated, “Elections have consequences,” especially so in a free country.  

Given their iffy ride to the White House in 2020, their respect for our public’s voting responsibility seemed to be viewed as a technicality, a nuisance to be dealt with every two years.  This was the attitude that created their 2024 election predicament.  In their rush to staff like-minded Marxists, who hopefully would influence our governing.  Also, they gave little thought to the public’s expectation of a capable candidate. 

This situation was again to be expected when remembering the saying, “You can’t have it both ways.”  Either remain a politically oriented party or opt for a communist breeding ground, but not both!  Especially when vying for the affections of a free-thinking populace!  A quick glance at the democrat roster comes up empty when checking for potential quality and leadership. Therefore, 2024 was only a matter of time!

Not only has this administration produced a never-ending list of failures, but in addition to its voter dismissal, it also disregarded our Constitutional dictates, even when corrected by our Supreme Court!  This, coupled with that questionable 2020 outcome, became laden with a series of self-evident lies, along with a noncommunicative President who wrestled with his mental lapses.  Over time, this combination of ineptness and blatant falsehoods created serious doubt about his current Presidency and his re-election. 

The climax to this political circus was when this President’s so-called re-election bid was shelved, against his wishes, for his subordinate, who managed to generate a far worse public image.  This quandary was the result from when these homegrown Marxists traded competency for empty suits;  but again, their complete disregard of the American voter ruled their process.  Also, they failed to realize that never was there a country, while in the throes of a communist takeover, that still was able to hold a credible election!

Because of this arrogant disregard for what they considered to be a beaten people, their unmasking has alerted the American consciousness to what many previously discounted as only theories.  One might say that since 2016, their game plan never adjusted.  As a result, a timely ray of sunlight now shines into and reveals their methods and intentions.

The American people have reacted to this gradual socialist slide without any inclination of it being a grand scheme.  However, a picture is formed in a jigsaw-type progression, which is contradictory.  In order to gain a foothold in a free and prosperous nation, that country’s foundations must be neutralized.  First was their religious attack when removing prayer from our nation’s classrooms!  Never mind that this violated our Constitution!  The next target was America’s societal stabilization from her sturdy family structures.  Mothers were enticed into stifling their natural callings for a career outside their home and family. 

Today, with “working moms” absent from the family, our societal order and cohesiveness have been dramatically affected.  The timing of which points, at least partially, to this lack of family supervision.  While schools currently fill the roles of moms, it’s unnatural, and it is showing!   School shootings may well be the by-product of these newer-aged methodologies. 

Since schools have replaced family as the authority for shaping young minds, why is it that with these teachers, it’s not “how” to think but “what” to think?  Also missing is the loving care and attention provided by a mother.  No matter the union wage scale, money can’t duplicate mom’s presence and will not stop these violent cries for attention.

Alarmingly, the basic needs of reading, writing, and math have been removed from today’s curriculum. Sensitivities have replaced essential learning as our young and impressionable are tweaked daily about CRT, anti-Americanis,m and gender optioning.  In accordance with minimizing family influence, such optioning is kept from the parents.  Just think, from the days of family instruction, to church-run schools and then finally to these governmental mind control centers, education in the land of the free is not!

As stated previously, our system of Constitutional laws is being revised, almost at will.  America’s unalienable Bill of Rights, which were required in order to ratify our Constitution, were specifically acknowledged to be gifts from our Creator so as to place them above man’s tinkering.  Never-the-less, through the efforts of devious revisionists,  these absolutes are being victimized.

Thanks to the recent arrogance of these democrat Marxist, all these revisions and deletions are now seen adhering to one purpose that reduces and then replaces our Constitutional Republic with this chanting of a thing called “democracy.”  This is just a PC term that precedes a complete communist subversion.  Further proof is provided by Friedrich Engels; “Democracy…is the first precondition of all communist measures.”

During these efforts, our people normally regarded each as being unrelated.  Yet, as stated, the Democrats have now unwittingly shown the apparent connectivity between all these changes and revisions.  This perspective is substantiated when reviewing previous countries’ differing stages prior to their conversion into raising their own hammer and sickle flag!  America is, and for too long, has been in the communist crosshairs!  Ironically, the difference is that based upon our Founder’s concrete absolutes within our Constitution, our country has been fortunate with her safeguards that other nations lacked.  These roadblocks have been the cause for the unmasking of this communist intruder.  It’s time that we all unite as freedom-loving Americans; first to thank God for his protection of America and then to once again embrace and restrengthen her Constitutional foundations


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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