Our People Awakened

by Jim Bowman

Contrary to our unalienable rights, today’s censoring reigns supreme.  This abusive and illegal tactic has become so inclusive that one wonders how and why in this land of the free.   The authority’s lack of corrective concern and subsequent action to such a blatant Constitutional trespass is equally concerning.  Our underlying menace is disinterest in enforcing America’s laws, whether Constitutional or not.

The fact that our most fundamental “do’s and don’t’s” lack teeth merely fuels this lawless regard.  Not only is this a criminal free-for-all at the street level, most critical has been its related illegal gymnastics within our governing.  Many holding the reigns of sworn authority have climbed down from their elected perch as their loyalty sways toward career rather than public service.

Actually, this irresponsible careerism has been brewing for damn near half of our Republic’s two-and-a-half-century existence.  Just like any teapot, slowly at first, but now, the steam is flowing intensely.  Each misdeed leads to the next and never results in even a “wait just a minute” moment.  Obviously, such apathy spreads the complicity, which encourages more of the same.

This was the atmosphere that Trump faced when, in 2016, he shocked the world and threatened the in-place corruption. As a result, when his re-election approached, all the plotting, conniving, and bribing was at full throttle so that what eventually happened was damn near a guarantee.  The only problem was that with their election success, they failed to recognize the hitch to their get along; one that they themselves inserted into their rigged game.  Their selection of the unqualified and the unstable just had to eventually unravel, which it has, but more importantly, with a long-awaited public recognition.

“Behind every cloud is a silver lining” and this is so with our renewed pro-American, pro MAGA citizenry.  But as expected, already their roadblocks are in place to stymie or at least slow down Trump policies.  This recent election was no longer about politics but rather the survival of America.  Corruption, at any level, attracts the bigger players to the field.  Long ago, America’s slide towards corruption became so obvious that the ever hungry communist weasel entered and has grown in party stature so as to dictate almost every tactic or policy of this supposed democrat party.

Without getting too deep, their opening play was in the arena of education, of which the college level became their gateway.  The removal of Harvard’s original mission statement, “Truth For Christ And The Church” sould have signaled their first success.  Nevertheless, today’s education product is in shambles, along with our cultural standards.  We care more about the dissenter than our own freedoms and American principles.  As stated previously, much of this disorder has gained Supreme approval.

Today, our adversary is correctly fearful of a rejuvenated people.  As their mischief continues, so it is that our numbers increase.  Today has finally reached the point that words or even handouts matter little when our Country is at stake.  Now, it’s America First!  Always has been and will always be; and without any Supreme say so!


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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