It’s not enough to elect a President; it involves a day-to-day people thing! First off, America’s threat is real, ongoing, and relentless. What seems miniscule today will evolve into a fearful accumulation tomorrow. So, we each need to self-admit and become aware that there is an ongoing threat! However, our task can be strengthened with the pride of understanding that our American name is an honor worthy of protecting.
We must be defiant and proud of our patriotism, guided and inspired by traditional values, rather than just ignore and hope that this flow of pronoun bullying will go away. Already, this attitude has contributed to the loss of a major political party, our national media, public education fundamentals, and of course the long standing crippling of higher learning. Their target list also includes our American families, our faith, with an emphasis on our Christianity, and of course our language, of which this he-she crap illustrates! Therefore, silence should not and can not be our reply when hearing this BS!
We need to question the “whys” of these drastic, unproven, and illogical changes to our traditional and accepted ways, but also to question why there is this uproar against making America better, or great again? Those against our President can blame him for only so long before the public’s overload light starts blinking! Not only that, but back to the original question of “why,” why is this angst against improving our own country? Why not?
Most insufferable and harmful to both “we the people” and America is this masquerade called public education, which now includes the disfigurement of young bodies along with its previous rummaging of America’s young minds. Sadly complicit with this is the disinterested parent who often views school as a babysitter, but worse, who supports junior’s gender changing! Also, recall the media’s insufferable portrayal of an American President holding a Bible high in front of Washington’s historic church! This raises another why, why this ridicule of what strengthened our Pilgrims’ daring venture?
Whether it be America’s traditions, societal values, political decorum, or even law and order, all have been downgraded into this unidentifiable pit of globalism. And why this hateful rhetoric from those we elect? Or is this just another slap to our American-based Christian structure, which governs our Blessed nation? These vulgar outbursts and false accusations now seem like weapons in today’s psychological brand of warfare.
And, forget this self-defeating quip of “my vote doesn’t matter.” That’s our enemy’s implanted messaging! We need to stand tall believing that “every vote matters!” Such a stand must be taken since today doesn’t afford the respite of “a middle ground.”
This might seem extreme, especially to those who would rather ignore it for another day, but really, this is a critical time, and one man can’t do it all! Our heritage includes a piece of George Washington’s advice to his men prior to their battle: “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be Freemen, or slaves…We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die…” While time still affords it, let our apathy not devolve into that violent remedy. Let us begin by standing for such basics as: there is male and female, and that making America great is a good thing!