Overdue Government “Spring Cleaning”

The term “spring cleaning” refers to a long overdue responsibility that addresses the need—in the case of our government—for a return to its constitutionally mandated size. Owning up to this duty will uproot everything that has illegally been established. This unhindered growth is a testament to the tenure of public ignorance, which has been force-fed throughout most of the preceding century. To make matters worse, those we elect have undergone similar nurturing since they also originate from the public’s masses.

With both chambers of Congress and the Presidency now in the hands of the cleaning crew, the only Democrat card remaining is our judiciary. Therefore, the “weakest” branch of governing, as per Alexander Hamilton, is now shifting into high gear to ambush any forthcoming measure or directive from Trump’s administration.

Such judicial obstructing has been ongoing, although it’s never been so politically obvious.  With today’s awakened and curious electorate voting for the more honest, open, and accountable candidate, that meek and mild judiciary is no more!

Still, that slower pace accomplished much and without any feathers being ruffled.  Just remember when prayer was a routine part of each morning’s school day.  Then, a couple of students felt slighted and excluded by a brief moment of prayer, so what probably began as a classroom disruption became the meat of a Supreme Court ruling.  I mean, forget the Pilgrim’s original quest for religious freedom or later when our Founders considered Christian study as a necessary subject of education, or that our Founding religious pillar was instrumental for our First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.  Forget all that since those hurt feelings sufficiently plucked the heartstrings of our judiciary to require an anti-religious, anti-Christian, and anti-Constitutional judicial ruling!

As this blatant illegality stands, it has, in turn, influenced other unauthorized decisions regarding marriage and abortion.  Given this lax atmosphere and the precedent-setting of these rulings, the democrats must now be reliant upon the court’s unchallenged authority since this “hands off” treatment has become so standard that even inventing a basis for a judgment gains passage!  Given this elasticity, desperation calls upon this judiciary’s ability to erect legal roadblocks against Trump policies.  With such reasoning and given time, these judicial wizards might even find downsizing unconstitutional! 

So, along with all these perk-based departments, this massive house cleaning should also include, by means of Constitutional review, our compromised judiciary since its neutrality was shelved long ago for this activist role.  Thomas Jefferson termed this transformation a “despotic branch.”  His vision was based upon the general sentiments of the day, which accepted that man’s nature is sinful and that safeguards are needed, or else elected officials and/or jurists would eventually abuse their powers.

One last thought.  What is so wrong with downsizing to the legal limits of governing, especially when such a reduction would strengthen our economy and greatly reduce our national debt?  On the other hand, protesting this only heightens Jefferson’s belief about man’s sinful nature while unavoidably enhancing Trump’s “house cleaning” task!


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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