Negron for congress sign

Congressional Candidate Steve Negron Supports the Electoral College!

Democrat leadership would like to abolish the Electoral College and instead, elect the president with a National Popular Vote.  That change would have severe negative consequences for our Constitutional Republic and would cost NH dearly – as our state (and many other states) would become insignificant in subsequent presidential elections.  This would lead to future … Read more

Steve Negron’s Campaign in Statistical Tie with Kuster

Congressional Candidate Steve Negron is surging in the polls and is now in a statistical tie with his opponent Ann Kuster.  He joined Ken Eyring and Tom Murray on the Windham Podcast to discuss his team’s campaign approach of going door to door and listening to voters.  He is an educated and articulate candidate who … Read more

steve negron

My Personal Endorsement – Steve Negron for Congress in NH CD-2

This hobby has introduced me to much in the past 12 years. I have been given press credentials for local events, by national groups, and even from the White House Press Corps. And I have interviewed candidates from town councilor to candidates for President (of the United States), and every office in between.

Steve Negron - Easter message Screen Grab

Steve Negron Shares an Easter Message

“Whether you are Jewish. and you are celebrating Passover. or you may not even celebrate Easter the way I do, at the end of the day it’s about community. At the end of the day, it is about people coming together. And realizing that we’re bigger than just individuals.”

steve negron

Endorsement: Steve Negron is a True Leader

“I have served my country as a U.S. Marine for over 22 years of Honorable service, Desert Storm Veteran and a legislator for 13 years. I was the President’s National Veterans Co-Chair, traveling around the country speaking on behalf of Candidate Trump.

Steve Negron Nashua Steak Out

Nashua GOP SteakOut – Steve Negron and Dick Hinch

Next in line to speak at the Nashua GOP’s Annual SteakOut was a candidate for US Congress in NH’s Second CD, Steve Negron.  He’s everywhere we go, it seems: Pssst: (whispering) It’s almost as if he’s following us! And the last speaker of the evening was NH House Republican Leader, Dick Hinch: Sadly, because of … Read more

steve negron

Nashua GOP SteakOut – MicroInterview: Steve Negron

Now before anyone starts another rumor about GraniteGrok being in the tank for Steve Negron, let me point out two things: He’s the ONLY Republican candidate that has formally announced for US Congress He keeps showing up at the events we cover. Is that it, Steve, you’re stalking GraniteGrok (heh!)?  Naw but he IS working … Read more

CNHT Picnic: Steve Negron

Steve Negron was the next speaker at the Annual CNHT Picnic held a week ago.  He won the US Congressional Primary for NH’s Second Congressional District back in 2016 – and yes, we at GraniteGrok endorsed him in that race.  Unfortunately, he lost to the incumbent Progressive, Ann Kuster, who spent a big part of … Read more