Nashua GOP SteakOut – MicroInterview: Steve Negron

by Skip

Now before anyone starts another rumor about GraniteGrok being in the tank for Steve Negron, let me point out two things:

  • He’s the ONLY Republican candidate that has formally announced for US Congress
  • He keeps showing up at the events we cover.

Is that it, Steve, you’re stalking GraniteGrok (heh!)?  Naw but he IS working his butt off making sure that he’s out there:

  • Working hard to meet possible voters and getting his messages out, and
  • to make sure that he’ll never turn into “Kelly Ayotte’s Letter” because, well, he keeps showing up at events

So how can we NOT give him some camera time?  Frankly, we’re willing to talk to anyone – especially if they are running for something.  Sure, our MicroInterviews are just that – micro in nature and just a couple of simple questions.  At events like this, you can’t ask for more than that.  That’s what GrokGauntlets are for – longer, more intense questions requiring more expansive and detailed answers.

And besides, he’s a happy guy, with a ready smile, and is always willing to talk with us (unlike some others in the past).  So, we yak a bit – I’m joined by fellow Grokster Mike Rogers on this one:


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