Rich Old White Bloomberg: NH too White!

We’ve heard this line a few times already this Presidential cycle from some minority fringe candidates who needed something to blame for their lack of support: New Hampshire is too white. And so is Iowa. Therefore, we don’t deserve the First in the Nation Primary, duh. Now, Rich Old White Bloomberg is playing the same … Read more

Michael Strand Says NH-Democrats Should NOT Be Allowed Near Children!

Wow! WOW! WOW, WOW, WOW! A Woke-Communist … oh, I’m sorry, I am sure he would prefer “Democrat” … from that bastion of white privilege called Bedford has stood up for children. More specifically, see the tweet (X) below, where he says that Democrats should not be allowed near children:

Too Much Crime: Change the Definition of “Crime”

I saw a clip of a new MSNBC special, which aired on February 11th, called Black Men in America: Road to 2024, with Trymaine Lee, Charles Coleman Martin Jr., and Al Sharpton, to name a few. In this clip, these men stood around a pool table and discussed crime and how the black man is … Read more