Colin Van Ostern (a/k/a Yogurt Boy) Is Too WHITE And Too MALE To Represent CD-2

What do you get if you morph Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Gavin Newsom, and J.B. Pritzker? How about Colin Van Ostern … yet another WHITE MALE who talks the talk on DIVERSITY but does not walk the walk.

That is, it is other white males, NOT them, that need to lose out on a job, an appointment, a political office, etc. to make fill-in-the-blank more diverse. Rules for thee, but not for me. In other words, the hierarchy that has been the hallmark of real-world Communism.

If you believe in DEI, as the Yogurt-Boy says he does, then your position should be that we need LESS, not more, WHITE MALES in Congress. Simply put, the Yogurt-Boy, as far as we know, is a WHITE MALE and, therefore, should not be representing the progressive CD-2 when there are much more diverse candidates.

For example, the unhinged, abortion-transfixed wine-mom Becky Whitley. As far as we know, she is NOT a WHITE MALE, which in and of itself makes her far more qualified to represent the progressive CD-2. But she is WHITE. Why should the progressive CD-2 have to settle when there are much more “diverse” candidates who would make Congress stronger because, you know, diversity is our strength.

How about Damond Ford? He checks multiple boxes in today’s Democrat Party. He is NOT a WHITE MALE. He apparently sees racist white males nearly everywhere he looks (peruse his X and see my prior posts), and he appears to have a real problem with Israel (peruse his X and see my prior posts).

And there is also Alissandra Murray. Non-binary. The courage to call restricting girls’ sports to girls “hatred” and “segregation.” Does it get more diverse than that! Another far better choice than the Yogurt Boy or the unhinged wine-mom.

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