Local ABC affiliate WMUR reports that pasty white New Hampshire Democrat Colin Van Ostern is stepping up to run for Congress after Ann Kuster announced her retirement. Van Ostern has been Kuster’s campaign manager, a former Executive Councilor, and one of Chris Sununu’s Dem challengers (he lost).
He is your typical NH Democratic candidate, Pale and White. It’s an interesting way to start the day after Kuster’s announcement: out with one white Democrat candidate, in with another.
Given how they prattle on about rights, equity, and social justice, you’d have expected someone with more melanin to announce first. Prompted perhaps by pasty white Ray Buckley. Or perhaps that’s all just bullshit, or maybe they, like their ideological ancestors, are a bunch of racists. Dumb racists. Related: Can Democrats Overcome “Systemic Racial Inequality” When They Can’t Manage it in Their Own Primary?
The DNC revoked their First in the Nation Primary position because (drumroll) “people of color.” New Hampshire is too white, you see. We are not diverse enough. A problem for Democrats that I have long argued could have been averted had the proglodytes nominated someone of color in any federal race. You only needed one but it has never happened, but it’s not hard to do. Republicans have nominated blacks and Latinos to run in CD2 (for example) more often than not in the past decade-plus.
When NH CD-1 opened up, they nominated a pasty white guy named Chris Pappas. He’s perched in that position, Pelosi rubber stamp in one hand, chicken finger in the other, for two terms, and he looks whiter every year. Pasty white Kuster announces her departure, and the first face to pop up over the gated community fence is someone whiter than she is—a guy I like to call Colon Van Oscopy.
He’s in: @ColinVanOstern tells @WMUR9 in 1-on-1 interview he’s running for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd District https://t.co/gYVcEEE019 #NH02 #NHPolitics #WMUR pic.twitter.com/DwqyuYWFXy
— Adam Sexton (@AdamSextonWMUR) March 28, 2024
And now the Dems in New Hampshire have another problem. They like to discourage primaries, but it behooves them to find someone brown to run against Van Ostern. A “someone” who will likely lose the primary, once again proving they are a party that talks the talk but never walks the walk. Related: Why NH Democrats Should Be Proud to Lose Their Primary
If it matters, the Republican challenger is Lily Tang Williams, a woman from China who escaped Mao’s tyranny. Van Ostern, for the record, will work to duplicate that tyranny here in America.