I Had the Chance to Ask Both NH Republican Gubernatorial Candidates This Question …


Sunday, Norm held a “Pre-4th of July” party at his home (for a select group of Conservative political activists as well as a few politicians), high over Lake Winnipesaukee, which allows views from Wolfeboro to Alton. Both Chuck Morse and Kelly Ayotte, who are running for the Republican nomination for Governor, were among those invited.

I assumed, knowing Norm, that each politician would get a few minutes to give their “elevator speech” to the crowd and then a quick Q&A after each speech. However, this year he changed it up and stated that in the interest of time, everyone should button-hole each one individually and ask your questions.

So I did.

I had originally planned on asking each two questions: doozies, both. But under the maxim of always being adaptable (or as my former Marine Eldest STILL keeps telling me even after mustering out, “Improvise, adapt, and overcome”), I focused on something that one of them said during their elevator speeches.

SideNote: I was originally going to record the speeches, but while Norm always lets GraniteGrok cover anything going on at his house (and it stated as such on the notices on his front door), he nixed that activity: no Press. So, I’m not being coy here in not mentioning specifically who said what, as I do want to honor the request. However, I DO want to point out a significant difference in the answers. Both are “correct,” but they show a difference in thought processes in approaching their governance styles.

One of them, during their pitch, did state that they would sign a law that would ban Sanctuary Cities in NH in protecting NH.  When it was said, I thought it was odd and showed a lack of basic NH Civics. This topic is notable as it generally means that a city or town police force is then directed NOT to assist Federal immigration officials via their “detainers” (e.g., hold an illegal alien until we can come and get them). Basically, Biden’s “catch and release” program writ small.

To repeat something that I have found to be a constant BECAUSE I find that most adults, even the most politically aware ones, have no idea, I phrase my “button-hole” question to both (trying to be fair here!) thusly:

During [your|your opponent’s] pitch, you said wanted a law to sign banning NH towns and cities from declaring themselves as Sanctuary Cities. However, we are a Dillon’s Rule State which means that subdivisions of a State cannot do anything on their own. ANYTHING they can do can only be done after the Legislature/Governor have passed a Law specifically delegating the Legislature’s Power in that area / issue to a subdivision.

Given that, would you immediately then sic your AG against that town or city for trying to pre-empt the State’s Power that hasn’t been delegated to them?

The other kind of State, a Home Rule State, allows any political subdivision of a State to do whatever it wants as long as they don’t violate State or Federal law. Again, we are not that kind of state.

Now, as far as the answers go (summarized here by me, and I AM trying to get the answers correct):

Candidate 1: No, I would want to wait for a law to be passed as it can take a long time in court and can cost a lot of money to pursue it.

Candidate 2: Yes

So there it is.

I am getting the info for their Press folks and I will send my two “doozy of a question” to them and see if I get responses.

It feels good to return to this role. And I thank ALL the people there who asked me, “How is your family doing now?” It shows that Conservatives often put Family above mere politics.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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