Want to See “Action Civics” On Display? Look at Our College Campuses

Many of us have offered repeated warnings about the focus on action civics in our schools versus a focus on academic content knowledge. The violence and anger directed at Jews we are seeing on college campuses, is what students across America have been taught.

Civics illiteracy is a big problem, and we know that in New Hampshire. New laws have been passed in an effort to improve civics literacy among the student population, but a better solution would be to develop quality academic standards, and test students on their knowledge.

New Hampshire does require students to pass the U.S. Citizenship test prior to graduating high school, so that was a step in the right direction. But there are still organizations like NH Civics, that continue to push the narrative that we need federal law to push more “civics action” in our schools.

Action Civics is CODE for, let’s turn your kids into illiterate political activists.

The Daily Signal picked up on this here:


Parents asking why their college student’s graduation is canceled this year need only remember when their child was in high school.

K-12 schools have been training students to disrupt the systems around them for years through the teaching of “action civics,” which primes students to be activists even if it deprives them of understanding if, when, or why a demonstration would be necessary.

This has been an agenda of Nellie Mae for many years. Nellie Mae has been instrumental in our own New Hampshire Department of Education, and in many of our schools. They offer schools grant money, school administrators respond by taking the money, and implementing the agenda from Nellie Mae. Money talks. Here you can see that they’ve awarded grants to Pittsfield public schools.

They even include a reference to Saul Alinsky at the end of page 1 (Introduction)

Who funds Nellie Mae? The federal government and the Gates Foundation. This is another way state and local communities lose control over their local public schools. They are paying public schools to turn kids into political organizers.


No one should be surprised by the disruption and violence coming from the trained Marxist calling for the “Final Solution.” Many of them interviewed cannot answer simple questions about why they are protesting. Illiteracy is common among trained Marxist activists.

When you refuse to demand better from your local public school, don’t be surprised by what they are turning out.

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