New Law in NH Requires Passing a Civics Competency Exam to Graduate

Governor Chris Sununu signed hasHB320 into law.  “An Act requiring a civics competency assessment as a high school graduation
requirement.” If you cant pass the civics exam, you don’t get your diploma.

If they can’t pass the exam required of immigrants to become a US citizen, they cannot graduate.


To be eligible for a graduation certificate, a student shall attain a locally sanctioned passing grade on the competency assessment, and a grade of 70 percent or better on the 128 question civics (history and government) naturalization examination developed by the 2020 United States Citizen and Immigration Services. Schools may modify the naturalization examination for a child with a disability in accordance with the child’s individualized education program. By June 30 of each year, each school district shall submit the results of either the locally developed competency assessment of United States government and civics or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) test to the department of education.


The Democrats and the teacher’s unions will probably lose their minds, but parents might kind of wonder why. That will be a thing to behold. Not as nice as the way parents are looking at this CRT garbage, but what’s another log on the fire, right?

It shines a little more light on everything.

Read HB320 here or embedded below.

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