Night Cap: Is The Goal of CIVICS Education in NH Public Schools To Focus on Implicit Bias?

Ann Marie Banfield

On Thursday, May 9th, the Hillsborough County DEI Committee will host a professional development workshop, “Unwrapping Implicit Bias,” featuring facilitator Allyson Ryder, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the UNH Cooperative Extension/Hillsborough County, 329 Mast Road, Goffstown, NH.

Unwrapping Implicit Bias (002) (1)

Allyson Ryder currently serves as the Executive Director for NH Civics:

At NH Civics, we envision a New Hampshire that is first in the nation in citizen preparation, and a national leader in civics education. We envision an informed, engaged, civil citizenry that participates in the democratic process, serves New Hampshire’s communities and lives up to our responsibility to vet future leaders of our nation.

A representative from NH Civics is also currently serving on a commission to develop a Civics textbook for New Hampshire Children. But what kind of expertise will they provide for students who need a quality Civics education in our public schools? Given the radicalized political position we see from NH Civics, one has to wonder.

For instance, on NH Civics website, they explain their support for anti-racism which is a different form of racism:


From Newsweek “Antiracism is Racist On Its Own Terms” 

So-called “antiracism” is at the core of the Wokeism that has overtaken much of the federal government, our corporate boardrooms and our schools. Antiracists suggest that one can judge a policy as antiracist by whether such policy contributes to achieving “equity”—and a person as antiracist by whether he actively supports such policy. Get with the Woke program, in other words, or you are “Jim Eagle.” In some ways, then, antiracism might be thought of more as a tactic to bully people into submission to racialist progressivism than it is a true philosophy or worldview.

Now that NH Civics has taken this radicalized political position, they are branching out to host professional development workshops so that you can work on your implicit bias. What will this mean for NH Civics as they continue to try to influence how Civics will be taught in our public school classrooms? That’s a good question.
How will they influence the Civics textbook that is currently being developed for our public schools? That’s another good question.

NH Civics Hires Diversity and Equity Community Organizer as Executive Director

NH Civics is at it Again…Now They Want to Promote Group Therapy for Children in Public Schools

NH Civics? A Front for Radical Leftism in the New Hampshire Classrooms?



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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