Big Brother 1984 Mask Coronavirus

Maskachusetts Health Officials Approve Permanent Mask Mandate

The Massachusetts Maskachusetts Public Health Department has voted to approve a permanent mask mandate for the Bay State. Talk about living up to your nickname. The only thing standing between residents and a forever requirement – for the good of public health – is a July 24th Public hearing.

gun rifle firearm

Massholes Banning Firearms

The Massachusetts legislature just passed sweeping firearms reform legislation- a tossed salad of failed progressive interventions in the name of public safety. According to GOAL [Gun Owners Action League], the bill “essentially bans all semi-automatic firearms”, or at least long guns, by adding a “shroud” to the two-feature test that’s used to determine if a … Read more

Massachusetts we want your money

Just Call Me Spike: Massachusetts Flooding Schools with Faulty PCR Tests

Massachusetts has a spike. It’s meaningless unless you mean to scare people unnecessarily. Here in New Hampshire, 99.83% of people who test positive on the PCR test live to tell the tale. I expect the results in Maskachusetts are similar and destined to improve after they flood the schools with these test kits.

COVID Turkey

In Time for Thanksgiving NH Governor Updates Travel Order Restrictions Guidance

Do you want to hear something funny? “Emergency Order #52, as extended by Emergency Orders #61, #66 and #70, issued pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, as extended by Executive Orders 2020-05, 2020-08, 2020-09, 2020-10, 2020-14, 2020-15, 2020-16, 2020-17, 2020-18, 2020-20, and 2020-21 is hereby extended and shall remain in effect until January 15, 2021.”