The People’s Republic of Massachusetts, see also Maskachusetts or where the cradle of liberty dies first, is all-in on the covidism. Charlie “COVID- Karen” Baker is a reliable supporter of every stupid idea to emerge from the CDC or NIH, and masks are no exception.
Boston Globe (subscription required),
State education board members cleared the way Tuesday for a universal indoor mask mandate in Massachusetts schools, marking a stark pivot for Governor Charlie Baker’s administration, which for weeks put the onus of in-school mask policies on local leaders.
Related: “Pandemic of the Unvaxxed” Narrative Is Another Misleading CDC Manufactured Fraud
The goal of masking appears to be to convince more kids to get jabbed.
Under the mandate proposed by Riley last week, middle and high schools would be allowed to lift the mandate for vaccinated people after Oct. 1 if at least 80 percent of students and staff in the school building are vaccinated. Unvaccinated students and staff still would be required to wear masks.
Students with certain medical conditions or behavioral needs would be exempt from the requirement, as well as all students under age 5.
We know the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. Even the dopey CDC has admitted as much by telling the vaccinated to mask up. We see infection spikes among vaccinated in Massachusetts, with as many as 70% of new positive tests from people who got Jabbed.
Who in their Left mind would even suggest that a vaccination rate of 80% might mean no more masks given that?
Related: Public Unions in MA Want Workers to Have a Choice When it Comes to The Jab™
Gov. Charlie Baker and Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley, if you must know.
The Globe is in on it too. This report never mentions the CDC mask recommendation for the Jabbed nor the clusters of viral vaccinates super-spreaders popping up around the Bay State.
So, the Governor flip-flopped on state-wide mandates, the mandate they propose is idiotic, and the Boston Paper of record ignores why?
Nice job you’re doing down there.