NH State Rep Liz McConnell – thou doth protest too much

by Skip

Congratulations – you have brought both us and the Streisand Effect upon yourself (and we’ll start looking into Eric Turer as well).  Yes, we may well end up “raising your profile” but doubtful in the way you think you might want. So, let’s circle back on your latest votes, shall we?  And JUST because you were wailing all about “those aren’t the titles of the bills!!!,” I’ll do this for you to dry your tears – I’ll add the title of the bills to boot.

WHY?  Because it will better illustrate how Progressives really try to use Bill Titles to hide what they really wish to accomplish!

How your State Reps voted May 8:

SB193, banning flame retardants for alleged health reasons but allowing those “unhealthy” products in schools or hospitals. Passed.
     Title: prohibiting the sale of certain furniture and carpeting with flame retardant chemicals.
100% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
93% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Absent


SB205, allowing unelected bureaucrats to raise a hidden tax on electricity without legislative approval. Passed.
     Title: (New Title) relative to energy efficiency programs funded from the systems benefits charge and the duties and members of the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
99% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: So your Representative, Liz McConnell, that you elected to make hard decisions and votes, voted to give that power away to the Executive base contra to the NH Constitution.  Good going, Liz! What else are you going to do to make your job go away?


SB72, requiring utilities to purchase more Renewable Energy Certificates thereby raising the cost of electricity. Passed.
     Title: relative to issuance of renewable energy certificates
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
97% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: So your Representative, Liz McConnell, that you elected to make hard decisions and votes, voted for Government to take MORE Freedom away from the private Marketplace.  Is this what you elected her to do – move this booming privately directed one comprised mostly of Mom & Pop entities making their own decisions to one of being GOVERNMENT DIRECTED/Controlled?  That’s called fascist, at best (privately owned but essentially controlled by Government), socialist (just take it all over). But has she opened her own company to see how hard things are and THEN have Govt start bossing her around like she is doing to others? Good going, Liz!


SB2, raiding the unemployment trust fund to create a 37th job training program. Passed.
     Title: relative to funding for job training programs in the department of business and economic affairs.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill
Note: How many job training programs should NH offer?  Think there’s any redundancy (eg., waste)?


SB263, ignoring the law of unintended consequences with a bill that has many unanswered questions. Passed.
     Title: relative to anti-discrimination protection for students in public schools
98% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
98% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: so if some teacher or other staff member “misgenders” someone (e.g., doesn’t refer to a he as a “she” just because TRANSGENDER, or purposely refuses to go along with this denial of biological reality – hey, does this make Democrats “Biology Deniers”????? So much for being “The Party of Science”, eh?  Liz McConnell is now a “Bio-Denier”?


SB20, taking away a teenager’s right to choose how many hours to work in a week that has even a single school day. Passed.
          Title: relative to notification requirements for employees, workplace inspections, and the youth employment law.
98% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
99% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: What ever happened to Parents determining what is best for their growing children?  Ask Liz why she believe that Government should take that responsibility away from a Mom and Dad?


SB271, reattempting a previously failed policy of giving Washington bureaucrats control over wages paid on public works projects. Passed.
       Title: relative to requiring prevailing wages on state-funded public works projects.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
98% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: so why does Liz want to possible cost taxpayers more than necessary?  Is it that she wants to use the private sector to provide Crony Welfare?  Or is this a payoff to Democrat Party aligned unions?


SB5, throwing money at the substance misuse problem with no attempt to determine if the money is effective. Passed.
       Title: (2nd New Title) making an appropriation to the department of health and human services for Medicaid provider rates for mental health and substance use disorder and emergency shelter and stabilization services.100% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
99% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: Keep changing the title until it sounds palatable to the rubes, eh? And let’s spend money but not set any metrics up in order to hold people accountable for the money we give them?  That’s right, McConnell – that’s the Progressive Way – feel good about what you’ve done 


SB4, enshrining the unaffordable and inferior health care of Obamacare into NH statute. Passed.
       Title: relative to the group and individual health insurance market
100% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: Democrats, and Democrats only, passed Obamacare at the national level and it has only made healthcare insurance more costly.  NOW, they want Government to assume almost total control of our healthcare here in NH as well?  Notice that ONLY Democrats voted for this. No bipartisanship for Liz – and no choice or freedom at all for us to choice what is best for ourselves.  Is that why you elected Liz – that she’s all about taking freedom away?

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