Hassan is playing ‘doctor’ again: Treating all NH citizens like drug addicts

hassanYesterday Governor Hassan sent out a press release that calls for more mandates on prescribing physicians when it comes to opioids. ‘Doctor Hassan’ somehow believes that inserting herself in between a doctor and a patient is somehow going to stop drug abuse in the state. To date, none of her initiatives have done anything to curb drug abuse in New Hampshire.

Her latest scam of interference in the doctor/patient relationship is to have the Governor’s Office along with the Department of Justice (run by a hack who was never even a criminal prosecutor) to make new rules to present to the Board of Medicine. Essentially two lawyers are going to tell the Board of Medicine what they think doctors should do with their patients who are in pain.

This follows Hassan’s approval last year of the “Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” where any resident of the Granite State will have their private medical prescriptions and information put into a state database based on specific medicines they may use, including those for your pets. And yes, the police are allowed access to this database.

Apparently that wasn’t enough for Governor Hassan though. She wants to take it a step further and interfere with how doctors prescribe medicine to their patients. Hassan is assuming every patient is a drug addict and every doctor is unethical and not following protocol. Guilty before innocent.

According to Hassan’s press release they now want to mandate referrals to “pain centers” to anyone who receives certain prescriptions for more than 90 days. So if your 90 year old Grandmother is dying of cancer and needs pain medicine just to make it through the day, Hassan is going to mandate her doctor refer her to a pain management organization. On top of that, your Grandmother could have the police investigating her because she’ll be in Hassan’s druggie database.

From Hassan’s press release:

As part of the needed revision of Med 501.02 (i), the Board should adopt improved protocols that ensure that no more than a three day supply of opiates is prescribed in an emergency room setting and that require a mandatory referral to a pain management specialist for anyone who is prescribed opiates beyond a 90-day period. Further, I urge the Board to consider requiring the use of patient pain contracts to assure the patients fully understand and comply with their physician’s recommendations, mandatory office visits for opiate prescription renewals, and other similar safeguards adopted by medical boards in other states to limit the risk of patients overusing, misusing, abusing, and becoming addicted to, prescription opioids.

This from a governor who demands politicians and the government stay out of ‘women’s healthcare’ when it comes to abortion and birth control. Instead she wants the government involved in everyone’s healthcare if they have to take certain medicines, including your dog or cat. Suddenly Hassan knows better than your doctor what your proper health treatment should be going forward.

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