So Hassan Wants to Slime a War Hero?

Already Sen. Maggie (“The Red”) Hassan is pedaling her slander against Don Bolduc, the Republican nominee for US Senate, to replace her. If you haven’t seen it, no problem you will soon be getting glossies in the mail, deluged on TV, and ads in the newspaper. When hearing or seeing these, please keep in mind this is the same Maggie Hassan who just last month claimed to be fiscally responsible but who never saw a wasteful, unnecessary expenditure she didn’t vote for. And she yammers constantly that she’s working to lower costs for the people of NH.

Again remember her votes to approve policies that have created the incredible rise in costs she now says she is working to lower  – and will last until she is reelected (hopefully not).  Maggie has zero problems exploiting a severely handicapped child (and her own) telling us how she presented a bill to help these individuals but didn’t tell us that she failed to get it even to the floor for consideration. That, I believe was in 2021. Guess she has been too busy bobble-heading every dumb, destructive Leftist idea rolling past her desk?

I last heard from her on the subject of our Sothern border was that it was secure. Stop laughing, she’s serious, no joke. Plus it’s only two million illegal aliens and counting sucking up our tax money.  You know, those taxes which she promised would not be raised?

Not even a Democrat can identify any bill that she has authored that has benefitted the people here in NH or the nation.

Her competition, Gen. Don Bolduc, who retired due to combat injuries sustained in defending our nation from foreign terrorists, is a man of honor and integrity. He enlisted as a Private E1 and through incredibly hard work, rose to the rank of Brigadier General and commanded Special Forces in combat.  Gen. Bolduc is a man who says what he means and will support our Constitution, laws, and Rights as written. We can depend on him to look to the welfare of all the people in NH, defend us against the crazy extreme Left that is trying to reinvent our laws, take away our Rights and steal everything they can carry away.

No hack politician will impress this General, he’s seen tougher and taken their measure. Now the question is will National and State Republican leaders support someone not of their “Chosen Ones” or try to give him the Joe Kenney Treatment ( minimal support to assure he loses)?

If the State and National Republican groups do what’s right, we can replace the do-nothing Maggie Hassan with Don Bolduc – a powerful dynamic leader who will support “We the People”. I urge readers, all Republicans, independents, and disillusioned Democrats to support and vote for Don Bolduc for Senate come November.

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