
Solar Panel Pimp is Wrong on HB544

New Hampshire Business Review (NHBR) likes to publish Dan Weeks’ “thoughts” on various issues, mostly climate and green energy-related, Seacoast real estate (which needed serious debunking), and now his opposition to HB544 which we simply can’t ignore.


HB544 Is A Good Idea But…

I like the idea of “HB544 – relative to the propagation of divisive concepts” but feel the concept cries out for legal attention. This bill is not well-drafted, is overly wordy, has conflicting provisions, even asserts authority over the “unconscious.”  The terms “diversity” and “inclusion” are used but not defined.  There are no legislative findings … Read more


Girard Backs State Budget Deal

MANCHESTER, NH–JUNE 23, 2021–“Like many, I have watched with great interest the progress of the state budget and HB2, the ‘trailer bill.’ As I heard from many people about their concerns, I have sought to learn about its various provisions.