Rep Kris Schultz Wants Schools to Teach White Kids That They Are Inherently Racist

HB 544 would ban “CRT,” which stands for Critical Race Theory in New Hampshire. As I explained in September of last year: Essentially, “critical race theory” describes the pseudoscientific concept that all people with white skin are inherently racists and are not even aware of it because they have “internalized” their “racial superiority” and, consequently, … Read more


A Matter of Equity, Not Law

This afternoon a Judge seemingly took the City of Manchester to task for it’s handling of a School Charter Commission’s filing period, even questioning whether the City acted in bad faith.  Judge Anderson’s ruling will come down Monday, according to him, one day before Manchester’s Municipal Elections. Related: Well is Mayor Joyce Craig and the … Read more

Do You Have Any Idea Just How Good This News Is?

Stay with me….(From the Union Leader) The House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee on Tuesday recommended killing a bill that would have allowed the state to discuss running its own health insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act. House Bill 544 would have removed a prohibition in a 2012 law forbidding the state from running … Read more