Breaking: NH Dept. Of Ed. Launches Web Page to Report CRT Based Discrimination

This is very clever. The New Hampshire Department of Education (DoE) has launched a new Anti-Discrimination web page. Granite Stater’s can now report any “discrimination” to the DoE directly, including CRT race-shaming discrimination prohibited by the passage of HB2.


This web page is being offered in support of the New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights (Commision) for those who believe that they, or their child, was discriminated against because their child’s school was teaching and/or advocating that one identified group is:

  • Inherently superior or inferior to people of another identified group
  • Inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously
  • Should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment
  • Should not treat members of other identified groups equally

Completion of a Public Education Intake Questionnaire does not constitute a formal charge of discrimination, but the first step in making such a determination.


For those unfamiliar, NH’s HB2 is the state’s budget trailer bill, into which was added some language from HB544 designed to ensure racial equity in the classroom and workplace. Long story short, It prohibits the use of tax dollars by anyone, including the state, educators, or contractors, from teaching,


I. That people of one <the redacted protected classes> are inherently superior or inferior to people of another<the redacted characteristics classes>;

II. That an individual, by virtue of his or her <the redacted protected classes> is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously;

III. That an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her <the redacted protected classes>; or

IV. That people of one <the redacted characteristics classes> cannot and should not attempt to treat others equally and/or without regard to <the redacted protected classes>.


Where the <redacted protected or characteristic classes> (for ease of reading) are “age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin.”

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is by design the teaching of original white sin absent the opportunity for redemption.

The State Department of Education has just created a portal to report any incidence of this sort of discrimination directly to them.

Students, parents, educators, support staff, anyone with access or evidence to violations of the state’s anti-discrimination law can file a complaint under the auspices of state law and the well-meaning State Commission on Human Rights.

If you are unfamiliar with the purpose of those, it is to promote race and gender war under cover of official government sanctions. To discriminate with extreme prejudice in the interests of advancing the race and gender culture war to the detriment of our Judeo-Christain founding and the liberty and opportunity it made possible.

The New Hampshire Commissioner of Education is Frank Edelblut. He barely lost the Republican primary for Governor a few years back that gave us Chris Sununu. Most of us would have preferred Frank to Chris and still do.

Whether the DoE does or can do anything with these remains to be seen. It is still a state-level bureaucracy in a state regarded not all that lovingly by the grassroots as a closely held criminal conspiracy.

The machine takes care of its own.

But the tool exists and is supported by state law, so if you have discrimination to report, best get to it. And if you had not guessed, I’m thinking that CRT-based abuses of state law (being hidden in local curriculums) was the catalyst for this ‘anti-discrimination reporting page.

That’s the clever bit.

You can review the Web page here. All the relevant links are at the bottom.

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