Liberal Lou D’Allesandro’s held this seat since 1998. That’s 24 years, two years longer than my oldest child’s been alive. Things have changed over those many, many years, including the district, which, with wards 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 & 12 is now the only all-Manchester district.
Rich Girard
Manchester Unions Still Getting Pay Raises despite Expired Contracts
MANCHESTER, NH November 14, 2021--Despite the expiration of eight collective bargaining agreements covering hundreds of unionized employees, the city of Manchester is still paying “step” and “longevity” pay raises, Girard at Large has learned.
Manchester Teacher Electioneers at Ward 6 Polling Place
Electioneering is defined in New Hampshire state law as “act(ing) in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office.”
Did Manchester School Board Member Intentionally Deceive Voters?
Manchester Ward 5 School Committeeman Jeremy Dobson’s house is up for sale. According to a local Realtor, Dobson listed his home at 16 Huntington Avenue for sale on October 8, 2021. According to the Multiple Listing Service, it went under agreement on October 12, 2021. The property is currently listed in the MLS as “pending.”
“Thank you, Kathy Sullivan”
MANCHESTER, NH August 30, 2021–In response to an Op.Ed. penned by former Democrat Party Boss Kathy Sullivan, Republican Manchester mayoral candidate Rich Girard released the following statement:
Manchester School District Acknowledges “Whiteness Training” Right to Know Request
MANCHESTER, NH July 26, 2021–The mayoral campaign of Manchester Republican Richard Girard announced today that it received its first response from the Manchester School District to a Right to Know request for “Whiteness training” materials.
Manchester Is Suffering Systemic Failure Caused by Mayor Joyce Craig
Manchester is suffering systemic failure caused by leadership that’s either gone in the wrong direction or simply been overwhelmed and failed. Let’s take a look.
Joyce Craig’s Coverup
On Friday, I sent a formal Right to Know request to Mayor Craig demanding the release of “Whiteness” training used for both school district and city employees. Earlier today, I received this email in response.
On Joyce Craig’s Proposal to Spend $43 Million in COVID Relief Funds
To begin, I’d like to thank Mayor Craig for recognizing the importance of deterring crime by ‘environmental design,’ reconnecting police to our neighborhoods and adding park rangers as a way of improving the safety and cleanliness of our city’s parks and trails.
Girard Supports Concannon, Condemns Manchester School District “Whiteness Training”
MANCHESTER, NH. June 28, 2021–“Daniel Concannon is a brave individual and I want to thank him for exposing what’s happening in the Manchester School District and for his courage in confronting the “woke mob” as it works to indoctrinate our students and staff into racist ways of thinking about and behaving toward people who are different from one another.
Girard Backs State Budget Deal
MANCHESTER, NH–JUNE 23, 2021–“Like many, I have watched with great interest the progress of the state budget and HB2, the ‘trailer bill.’ As I heard from many people about their concerns, I have sought to learn about its various provisions.
Manchester School Board Defends Racism
Racism has worsened in our country as so-called “anti-racists” have turned away from the example of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and sought to label and pit those who “will always be oppressors” against those who “will always be oppressed.”
Girard Issues Statement on Attempt to “Cancel” Shannon McGinley from The Derryfield School Board
MANCHESTER, NH. MAY 10, 2021—Manchester mayoral candidate Rich Girard issued a statement on the recent news that a group of people allegedly interested in diversity is pushing The Derryfield School, a private school in Manchester, to remove board member Shannon McGinley from office.
Rich Girard to Run for Mayor in Manchester
MANCHESTER, NH April 15, 2021—Saying it’s past time for the city of Manchester to get a handle on the many and serious issues that have festered and worsened in recent years, Rich Girard, a former long-serving mayor’s aide, who’s been elected at-Large to the Board of Aldermen, Board of School Committee and a charter commission announced he will enter the 2021 race for mayor.
Girard Opposes Using Sununu Center as State Psychiatric Facility
MANCHESTER, NH. April 13, 2021—Reacting to an April 12, 2021 news report on WMUR TV-9, likely Manchester mayoral candidate Rich Girard said he would oppose the state’s use of the YDC facilities on North River Road as a psychiatric hospital.
Girard for Mayor Web Site Launched to Help Assess Potential Mayoral Bid
It’s true! I’m taking a serious look at running for mayor of Manchester this year. To that end, I’ve officially formed the Girard for Mayor political committee with the Office of the City Clerk. This allows me to raise and spend money while I consider the viability of my candidacy.
Manchester Young Democrats Push School Transgender Policy, Urge Outsiders to Contact School Board
The Manchester Young Democrats have sent an email urging their supporters to contact the Manchester Board of School Committee to support a controversial policy it adopted on January 25, 2021, about transgendered students.
Manchester School Board to Revisit Controversial Policy on Transgender Students
A controversial policy that bars school officials from informing parents that their children identify as transgendered in school and mandates access to the bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams the student “identifies with” will be back before the Board of School Committee at its meeting on February 8th.
Teachers Union Blocks Remote Learning on “Snow Days”
If you’re wondering why, in a world where remote learning has become the norm, snow means the cancelation of school in the city of Manchester, look no further than the Manchester Education Association.
Taxes, Mayor Joyce Craig, and Silence in Manchester
Having recently received my tax bill in Manchester, I noticed something. The tax increase, projected by both Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig and the Board of Aldermen at .49%, was actually nearly triple that amount at 1.4%. In and of itself, a 1.4% tax increase isn’t earth-shattering.