Rich Girard HCRC Shoot - GraniteGrok

I’ve Decided To Run For The NH State Senate In District 20!

Liberal Lou D’Allesandro’s held this seat since 1998. That’s 24 years, two years longer than my oldest child’s been alive. Things have changed over those many, many years, including the district, which, with wards 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 & 12 is now the only all-Manchester district.

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Jeremy Dobson

Did Manchester School Board Member Intentionally Deceive Voters?

Manchester Ward 5 School Committeeman Jeremy Dobson’s house is up for sale.  According to a local Realtor, Dobson listed his home at 16 Huntington Avenue for sale on October 8, 2021.  According to the Multiple Listing Service, it went under agreement on October 12, 2021.  The property is currently listed in the MLS as “pending.”

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Girard Backs State Budget Deal

MANCHESTER, NH–JUNE 23, 2021–“Like many, I have watched with great interest the progress of the state budget and HB2, the ‘trailer bill.’ As I heard from many people about their concerns, I have sought to learn about its various provisions.

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Schools as Institutional racism

Manchester School Board Defends Racism

Racism has worsened in our country as so-called “anti-racists” have turned away from the example of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and sought to label and pit those who “will always be oppressors” against those who “will always be oppressed.”

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Rich Girard to Run for Mayor in Manchester

MANCHESTER, NH  April 15, 2021—Saying it’s past time for the city of Manchester to get a handle on the many and serious issues that have festered and worsened in recent years, Rich Girard, a former long-serving mayor’s aide, who’s been elected at-Large to the Board of Aldermen, Board of School Committee and a charter commission announced he will enter the 2021 race for mayor.

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Joyce Craig

Taxes, Mayor Joyce Craig, and Silence in Manchester

Having recently received my tax bill in Manchester, I noticed something.  The tax increase, projected by both Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig and the Board of Aldermen at .49%, was actually nearly triple that amount at 1.4%.  In and of itself, a 1.4% tax increase isn’t earth-shattering.

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