Facebook-Censored Social media, Shadow-banning

Candace Owens is Suing Facebook’s Fact Checkers

Candace Owens has stepped up and taken one for the team. Well, not the team. Social media’s so-called independent fact-checkers are none of the above. They create facts you never asserted and even fact-check your opinion. Owens has had enough; she’s suing.

Truth Social Logo

How to Get Banned From Truth Social [Updated]

If you have any sort of online footprint, you get a lot of garbage emails. If you run a popular blog, you get about ten times the amount of garbage email. You also get a separate mountain of great emails, so you have to sift through them for the good stuff. Imagine my surprise when … Read more

Big Tech’s censorship is election tampering.

Big Tech’s Censorship is Election Tampering

Big Tech’s censorship is election tampering. It may also violate campaign finance law. It’s actions clearly amount to in kind donations. Silicon Valley is censoring the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story. This is important. Sure elections are messy. The closer we get to Election Day gets the more stories come out which are designed to … Read more