Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)


Migration / Invasion:

The Germans Said “Enough!” ━ The European Conservative

Germans rising.

Sunday’s voters don’t care about such name-calling. They care more about their families, homes, and regions—and the very real consequences of uncontrolled immigration on public safety.

Europe in general:

The Soul of Europe is Awakening (

The Washington Stand: America’s Illegal Immigration Crisis and Deuteronomy 28 | The Patriot Post

It still flabbergasts me that they’ll drive past a bunch of kids waiting for a bus, because of illegals there… leaving the kids with the illegals.

Chicago | NC Renegades

Venezuelan gang shoots at blacks.  This could get spicy, fast.  Related:

When the Tren de Aragua Knocks: Migrants Warn of the Coming Chaos – Flopping Aces

All Your Woman Are Belong To Us | Gates of Vienna

And yet… women keep supporting mass migration.  HOW?

Schumer Promotes the Great Replacement to Make America Great – HotAir

Cost Of Illegal Immigration Equivalent To 36th Largest Economy In The World – WokeSpy – Unmasking Extremism, Empowering Awareness!

Cloward Piven.


Big Green / Global Warming:

Doctor Thinks ‘Climate Change Classes Should be “Mandatory” in Med School’ (


New Study Finds CO2 Is Merely A Climate ‘Spectator’, A Non-Factor In Explaining Paleoclimate Changes (

Prediction.  Prediction failed.

Rewriting The Northern Hemisphere | Real Climate Science

In college there were “Murphy’s Laws on X”; I had the one on science, where one of them was “First draw your curve, then plot your reading”.  And an adage on data analysis that made me laugh:

Any data set can be tortured until it confesses.

Which is why independent analysis of data and methods is critical, and the lack of which is one thing that drove me to move from being a climate alarmist to a climate skeptic.

Meet the climate researcher who wants to take away your refrigerator: ‘You really don’t need to have a tomato in December,’ says author Nicola Twilley – Climate Depot

What was it CS Lewis said about self-appointed moral busybodies?


WW3 Watch:

EU says allies have ‘credible information’ Iran sent missiles to Russia – Insider Paper

I don’t really think this is much of a surprise.

Egypt begins troop deployment to Somalia amid Mogadishu’s push to expel Ethiopian forces  | Somali Guardian

OOH, good that Egypt may be tied down (from an Israeli standpoint). OTOH, just another possible flashpoint.



“That Has To Stop”: Harris Denounces Unfettered Free Speech In 2019 CNN Interview | ZeroHedge

Harris is repugnant to the Constitution.  Related:

The Constitution Stands in Their Way, So … – Laura Hollis (

Democrats: Illegal Aliens Surely Don’t Vote Because It is Illegal For Them To Vote – HotAir

Wow.  Let’s pass laws to make drug use illegal.  I’m sure that will stop it.  (Just as, years ago, I had a letter to the editor published to the effect that since it’s illegal to straw-man purchase a gun, let’s pass another law making it double-secret illegal and I’m sure that will put an end to it.

The 2024 Russian Collusion Narrative Just Imploded (

Attacks on Kountess Kackula for being endorsed by Putin in 3… 2… 1… cue crickets.

The 2024 Cheat and What’s Being Done About It (

A must read.  You think we’re going to VOTE our way out of this??  More:

“Democrats Reveal Plans to Steal the 2024 Election” – DailyClout

From Constantinople to Washington – Sometimes One Man Matters – Flopping Aces

Given this reality, those people who say they cannot in “good conscience” vote for someone they don’t like, are in reality not of good conscience at all.  They’re cowards. As any parent who has to discipline their kid knows, sometimes adults have to make the difficult decision to do things they don’t like.  As such, when the Republic is faced with an existential threat, when the choice is between a party that wants to save it and one that seeks Communism, to choose to do nothing is a choice, a choice to empower tyranny.

The amount of TDS I see on LinkedIn just staggers me. In parallel is a sneering disdain for anyone that might support him. Openly disdainful.

Will Democrats Allow a Peaceful Transition If Trump Wins? (

MHO, no.


Tyranny and Globalism (broad):

UN’s Pact for the Future, Planetary Commons and The Overpopulation Project – The Expose (

The hubris to think they know best.

Commentary: The Fading of Freedom in the Western World – Tennessee Star

The python tightens its coils.  Related:

An Iron Curtain is Descending On Us | Frontpage Mag

Democrats Hate Elon Musk Because He Allows You to Speak | Frontpage Mag

European Union Announces Launch Date For Biometric Entry/Exit System * * by Danielle

I got iris-scanned last year in Dubai. Had to. If it’d been me alone I’d have turned around and waited for the 23 hour layover instead of going to a hotel. But it wasn’t just me, and the family would not have put up with it (especially the wife who would have been screaming at me so loud they’d have heard her for miles).

What was interesting is that when we got back to the US the immigration person didn’t look at our passports even when I offered them. We just had to look into a camera – which tells me that database info already had been sent to the US.

“No to CBDC, Yes to Freedom” – My Interview on Tio / 20 minuti Switzerland (

Efrat’s a little too much “Team Human” for me – that thought being staggeringly naïve IMHO – but this is a good piece.

DGA final rule summary (

Changing the rules on school lunches. Related:

Food Standards in Australia and New Zealand are being changed so real food can be replaced with fake “food” – here’s what you can do – The Expose (

Arizona Mom Arrested for Criticizing Pay Raises for Public Officials at City Council Meeting – Geller Report

Thou Shalt Not Criticize The State.

Tony Blair Demands the “World” Regulate Speech (

How DARE you plebes be able to speak!



This Is What You Might Forget When Bugging In – Ask a Prepper

In my case, my wife (and my lack of income) are my two biggest impediments.


The Jab / vaccines / health in general:

Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster – The Expose (

The replicon vaccine is due to be rolled out in Japan in October 2024. Earlier this year, Japanese citizens protested in their thousands against the World Health Organisation’s Pandemic Treaty and also against mRNA flu vaccines and the manufacturing of replicon vaccines.

Shades of Frankenstein and the hubris of “science”.  And not just that.  Note that people protest, but the insanity continues to roll over The People’s objections.

Dr. McCullough on the “Serious Problem” Spike Protein Poses to Our Health * * by Noah

Turns into a commercial for McCollough’s products.  Still… I take nattokinase, bromelian, and curcumin (must add black pepper which helps absorption).

Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID Vaccines

“The CDC, in a paper that had to be written by the vaccine makers in my mind, lied about what the studies found which encouraged people who probably already had immunity because they already had COVID to go out and get a vaccine that could give them side effects…So they created or worsened what could be considered a crisis by their misinformation…And my big question is, the misinformation was signed off by something like twelve members of this CDC expert committee. Did none of them read the original studies as I had and as Congressman Massie had? Do they just sign papers somebody else writes and not understand the data and the claims in it are wrong? I think this is a huge scandal and nobody’s been held to account for that.”

18-Year-Old High School Football Player Passes Away After Collapsing During Game * * by Danielle

Pre-Jab, who here remembers hearing about this kind of thing?  Ever?

You Will Be SICK To Learn How Much Pediatricians Are Paid For Vaccinating YOUR Kids! * * by Noah

I’ve already related how absolutely pissed off my kids’ pediatrician was when I said NO to my son’s regularly-scheduled “wellness shots”.  Really pissed off and laying it on me to guilt trip me to permit them.  Same for when I rejected my daughter’s Gardasil shot. More:

Why Were Vaccine Manufacturers Given IMMUNITY For Vaccines Which Are “Unavoidably Unsafe”? * * by Noah



Is The “Everything Bubble” About To Pop? | ZeroHedge

Back in high school I did my American History term paper about the 1929 crash.  In the lead up to that, one phrase stuck out at me – all the economists were talking about the economy being on a “new plateau”… which was true until it wasn’t.  As economists now, again, use that term… worry.

Employment report for August 2024 – Surak substack blog

Surak weighs in – a data guy’s data guy.  Related:

Americans Lose Jobs as Net Gains All for Migrants – PJ Media

Weaker Than Expected: U.S. Added 142,000 Jobs in August, Earlier Months Revised Down, Manufacturing Jobs Crash (

I’m still on a job search.  I’ve easily applied to over 200 jobs, and while I do get the occasional interview, no offers.  This echoes others I know.



‘Fact Of Life’ – Harris Disinfo Campaign Against Vance Peddles Deleted AP Propaganda | ZeroHedge

Just. Wow.  Taking what Vance said and completely flipping it 180.  Another example of a 180:

Ann Coulter: Another Lie: Biden Is Deporting More Illegals Than Trump | The Patriot Post

The Third Party Under Campaign Scrutiny: The Media (

They’re fully aware of my dictum:

Control the information flow and control what people believe.

EXCLUSIVE MRC POLL: Most Dem Voters Don’t Know About Harris’s Radicalism (

Democracy Dies in Darkness: The Rebranding of Kamala Harris – The Lid (

They may not be getting paid, but the enemedia is firmly in her camp.

The Media Lies Add Up – PJ Media

VDH on the lies of the enemedia.


Islam / Jihad:

Goodnight, Vienna (

Conquered.  Also:

Belgium: School makes Arabic compulsory for sixth graders (

Though some signs of resistance:

Muslim Migrants and the Seething In Europe (

Europeans are turning rightward because of only one thing: their anger against their governments’ inability to handle the Muslim immigrant crisis.

Spencer Video: Muslim Rape Gangs and Willful Blindness | Frontpage Mag

Spencer has forgotten more about Islam than most people know.

UK: Muslima enters London church screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘I am here to kill the God of the Jews’ (

Flip it.  Imagine, say, a Christian walking into a mosque and screaming CHRIST IS LORD! and that they were there to kill Allah’s messenger. Even further, imagine someone doing that in a majority Muslim country.

Gazan mother cheers Martyrdom of her 4 sons

Not just Gaza.  This is the widespread mentality of Islam itself.


Israel / Middle East:

Say… didn’t Arabs originate in ARABIA?  So how are ARABS in all these places if it wasn’t for colonialism by jihad?

The Only People Starving in Gaza Were the Jewish Hostages | Frontpage Mag

The thing to remember about Islam and the Left, is that the things they accuse you of are the things that they either are doing to you or want to do to you.

The more they scream about famine in Gaza, the more they’re admitting that they’re the ones starving people to death.

About the USS Liberty… (

Way back I read a book about the assault on the Liberty, which is a long-standing sore point on the “White Nationalist” playbook.  And it concerns me greatly for, over time, IMHO a picture has emerged of a knowing attack.  At least, I would say that the preponderance of evidence suggests it. Now, this is very interesting development (bolding added):

Peter Hounam, the author of the book Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused WWIII provided evidence that Israel was fully aware that the USS Liberty was an American ship and went to great lengths attempting to murder every one of the 294 Americans on the Liberty. There is absolutely no way Israel would have intentionally committed this heinous crime against American life and property unless the Israeli Defense Forces had been given explicit orders from the President of the United States Lyndon Johnson to commit such a crime.

Only the President of the United States could have ordered the strategic air wings to go on high alert all around the world at the same time, and apparently Johnson gave those orders one to two hours before Israel attacked the USS Liberty. In other words, LBJ had to know the attack on the USS Liberty was coming.

I’ve gone back and forth on this topic, and have seen arguments in both camps.  At best, the attack on the Liberty was a grievous error.  At worst, as purportedly revealed above, not just an intentional attack done on instructions from the US, but an intended trigger for massive war??? If true, what could LBJ possibly have hoped to gain from that? Because, IMHO of course, what good could Israel have gotten from the attack?

Shocker: Captured Hamas Document Shows Sinwar Playing the West Like a Fiddle – HotAir

Anyone who thinks that they can’t be that deceptive really needs to go to an Arab bazaar…


RKBA specific:

Georgia School Shooter’s Family is Really… Something – HotAir

Wow.  Just another normal family.  Not.  More:

HOLY CRAP: Colt Gray’s Family Threatens To Go “FULL THROTTLE” With Blood! | WLT Report

State’s Concealed Carry Ban On Public Transportation Is Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules * * by Danielle

Good.  And Illinois to boot.


Big Tech (broad):

Bayou Renaissance Man: Your car may be impounded – as a witness!

I need to win the lottery.  Not just because I need the money, but so I can get my pre-fancy-gizmos car restored to near-new condition.

FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM Oversight Board declares the anti-Israel phrase “From the river to the sea” doesn’t constitute hate speech (

Put in any other group and see if that still holds true.  Why is big tech focused on Jew hatred?

daily timewaster: Is Google Trying To Influence The 2024 Election? – Eric Weinstein. This is a bit from a 3 and a half hour interview – which, insanely, is worth the time to watch and ponder.

Are they?  Is liquid water wet?


Culture War:

Recall my essay “Cultural Ion Thrusters” from my old blog:

And that’s what it is.  Relentless pressure, even a tiny bit, over time… until we arrive at:

The Rainbow Privilege ━ The European Conservative

In the name of this cult, even the most elementary biology is redefined, with absurd claims like sex being a cultural construct, and grammar being altered with nonsensical social rules. Basic education is also being changed: children are sexualized from an early age and taught to dance like ‘drag queens’ at summer camps, so that the innocence of children is sacrificed on the altar of ‘inclusion,’ according to the trans agenda! Women are another group that suffers as collateral victims of the rainbow cult. In the name of diversity, men are allowed to ‘compete’ in women’s tournaments (as happened in the infamous Olympic boxing match), and rapists end up in women’s prisons, while actual women are officially referred to as “menstruators.”

Teacher Who Refused to Refer to Students by ‘Preferred Pronouns’ Jailed for the Third Time (

I saw a video of the arrest.  The police were clearly “just following orders”… where are the police who have the balls to say Sir, I will not obey that order?

More – and I’m not approving or advocating anything violent, just observing – this is the kind of thing that IMHO will, if it continues, result in ambushes of those police.

Stanley Black & Decker Is Next – HotAir

One by one the DEI dominoes are starting to fall.  More:

WSJ: Corporate America Begins to Bail on HRC ‘Diversity’ Index – HotAir

Former school board member sues over explicit Snapchat, seeks board return – Alpha News


Not just that he does… “that”… on camera, in front of any camera, but then has the chutzpah to want to get back onto the school board???

Remember the Columbia Protester Who Wanted ‘Humanitarian Aid’ for Occupiers? – HotAir

Given that Johannah’s entire worldview appears to be that Western Civilization shouldn’t exist in the first place, I am pretty sure that she is not the best choice to teach this class. Although come to think of it, her views hardly diverge from the views of anybody at Columbia these days, which is a good argument for shutting the place down, disbursing the endowment to a range of new colleges more friendly to Western Civ, and calling it a day.

She hates it here in the West so much, she can move.  I hear Gaza’s nice; they have this whole “Captive of the Right Hand” thing going.

But no no no, no grooming going on.

Bayou Renaissance Man: Yet more child abuse…

Sadly, not limited to Catholics.  Or just Christians.  Or Jews.  It seems to me that every religion has its authority seized by those who will use it to exploit children.


Spicy Time:

Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being Reported (

Do not be lulled into thinking it’s getting better.  Head on a swivel.



Just for those who think “all” Jews are pro-abortion:

Sylvester Stallone Survived an Abortion: “I Was Brought Into the World by Accident” –

That’s a crushing thing to learn.


National Security:

Columbia University’s Anti-Jewish Coalition Vows to “Undermine and Eradicate America,” “Nothing Short of the Total Collapse of the University Structure” – Geller Report

Whether from the Left or from Islam, enemies are within the gates. And they are allies against us.

Biden takes 48 years’ worth of vacation in three years – Washington Examiner

So who is running the country?


Thoughtful and/or Miscellaneous:

Bayou Renaissance Man: How can we predict the future if we don’t understand the past and/or the present?

Indeed… what if the models we base our reality and behaviors and plans on, are wrong?

VDH: Let’s Tell the Truth About History – HotAir

I like Tucker, and admire his guts in looking into things.  But… in the desire to be edgy I think he’s taking things too far.  At least on this one.  Another by VDH:

Victor Davis Hanson: The Media Lies Add Up | The Patriot Post

“Hidden Influences: How Your Brain is Being Manipulated” – DailyClout

Kind of frightening how easily manipulable people are in general.

Have You Heard Of….TARTARIA? * * by Noah

OK, so let’s have some enterprising believer build some and do testing.  Talk is cheap.


Palate Cleansers:



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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