Now That It Seems Safe the New York Times Admits COVID Deaths WERE Overcounted ... - Granite Grok

Now That It Seems Safe the New York Times Admits COVID Deaths WERE Overcounted …

New York TImes Building

Seventeen paragraphs into a story about COVID-19, the New York Times admits something you’ve all known for years. Deaths from COVID-19 reported during the pandemic™ were overcounted. No kidding? Really?


The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.


Remember that time at COVID Lockdown Camp when you said something crazy like, how do we know they didn’t just die with COVID? Or how they claimed that the public health apparachiks weren’t just saying it was COVID-19 to collect from the bottomless trough of taxpayer money? Diagnosis, admission, treatment, ventilation, and even death resulted in payouts of COVID cash. The idea that this might incentivize false reporting was so crazy it was labeled a conspiracy theory.

The fact that the payout was outlined as policy and reward meant nothing, nor was how it might skew results toward the favored narrative of the political class.

Whatever the motivation, the Paper of Record has finally admitted that the official position of everyone in the media and the Corruptible Public Health Industrial Complex they enabled was wrong. You were right. But there’s still work to do. The NYT is claiming the overcount was a mere 30% – which is still a lot of grandmas – but back in January 2023, WashPo published an op-ed by the infamous Left-Winger (and former Planned Parenthood President) Leana Wen claiming the COVID death numbers were off 90%.

The Times must think they need more time before leaping that far, but they may catch up to the truth eventually. In, say, 50-75 years when all the tyrants are dead. Until then, we took the time to document the doubters and skeptics who resisted the government’s approved talking points.




There are a few more like that in our archive (maybe hundreds more). “Covid” produces about 3300 hits on our site. Articles and research shared that got us flagged, banned, throttled, put in Facebook jail, blocked on Twitter, and we just kept at it.

We applaud the Times for their pathetic 17th-paragraph admission, even if they’ve only met us a third of the way, but as with every such movement by the Covidistas toward truth, we have to ask. Why now?


