Venezuela, China, Russia, Caravan?

What’s going on? The Trump administration notes the return of competition between world powers. States with the ability to wield influence on a global scale are coming increasingly to prominence. America’s national security and national defense strategies need to reflect this new reality. China and Russia, both want to shape a world antithetical to U.S. … Read more

MSNBC Screen Grab Caravan Border

MSNBC Reporter Destroys MSNBC Narrative on Caravan

MSNBC does its best to carry the water for the Democrat party narratives. Heck, we could debate who is carrying who’s water. But at the end of the day it all stinks and here’s a tiny slice of heaven to prove that point. In an attempt to debunk Trump’s claim that the migrant caravan was … Read more

Make Tijuana Great Again

Mexico Deporting Caravan Members For Us

Tijuana has had it up to here with these caravan people and has begun deporting some of them. Tijuana officials said late Monday they had arrested 34 caravan members for drug possession, public intoxication, disturbing the peace and resisting police, and they would be deported to their home countries. Jazz Shaw adds that Tijuana’s reliance … Read more

Illegal alien caravan

The Mexican President hasn’t Done Anything to Stop the Caravan Crime Spree

Border tensions are flaring as thousands of foreigners stress the patientce and resources of local residents. In Mexico. According to Mexican journalist Alex Backman, things are bad and the President of Mexico is doing nothing to stop it. “…the migrants are robbing and stealing in Mexico. They carjack cars containing just one occupant. There are even accounts … Read more

Illegal alien caravan

Mexican Mayor to Caravan – Obey the Law or Get Deported

Tijuana has been inundated with illegal immigrants, and the mayor has just about had enough. Alex Parker at RedState is reporting that “Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum declared that the migrant caravans coming through aren’t welcome.” Related: Migrant Caravan Swells But With Who? In some crazy body switching scenario, Gastelum has invoked concepts (the left would … Read more Image Caravan stalls

‘Migrant Caravan’ Stalls After Mexican Government Denies Buses is reporting that the Mexican government has denied access to buses and as a result, the caravan that has been macrching toward the Southern US border has stalled. According to Fox News, “The leading migrant caravan trying to make its way to the United States border is admitting defeat after asking the Mexican government to provide dozens … Read more

Looming Elections, GOTV, and Illegal Immigrant Caravans

I continue my conversation with Kimberly Morin (guest hosting on The Real Side with Joe Messina). This time we’re talking about the looming election, get out the vote, what’s motivating both sides, and then we discuss the illegal immigrant caravan making its way toward our southern border. (Part 3) Part 1 – Part 2  


Looming Elections, GOTV, and Illegal Immigrant Caravans

I continue my conversation with Kimberly Morin (guest hosting on The Real Side with Joe Messina). This time we’re talking about the looming election, get out the vote, what’s motivating both sides, and then we discuss the illegal immigrant caravan making its way toward our southern border. (Part 3) Part 1 – Part 2

mexico-caravan-abc news

Migrant Caravan Swells But With Who?

It is a naive person who ignores the likelihood that MS-13 gang members, cartel thugs, or terrorists would take advantage of a hoard to gain access to the United States. They will. Just ask Jeh Johnson a very partisan progressive Democrat and Mr. Obama’s former Department of Homeland Security. Johnson issued a memo titled, “Cross-Border Movement of Special … Read more

Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies

I first learned the Arabic phrase “First Saturday, then Sunday” from Brigitte Gabriel’s book BECAUSE THEY HATE.  Translation, for those who have not heard of it: First the SATURDAY PEOPLE, i.e., The Jews, and then the SUNDAY PEOPLE, the Christians.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Biden is Done, So, What Next?

How sweet is it that Joe Biden’s political career was torpedoed by the man he has used to destroy anyone who got in the way of the Democrat destruction of America? Special Counsel Robert Hur may have published the scathing report on Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, but it was Biden’s buddy, Attorney General … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.