I first learned the Arabic phrase “First Saturday, then Sunday” from Brigitte Gabriel’s book BECAUSE THEY HATE. Translation, for those who have not heard of it: First the SATURDAY PEOPLE, i.e., The Jews, and then the SUNDAY PEOPLE, the Christians.
See the video here.
Islam is a supremacist religion. But it’s not just about a relationship between Man and the Divine; it’s a total, all-encompassing life guidance policy; everything is controlled, and if not, it’s By the will of Allah. If you’ve ever studied Islam, and I have to some degree – or, at least, reading and listening to videos by such notables as Dr. Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, and others… understand, they want to convert you, enslave you, or kill you. They say so openly.
Have the moral courage to listen to the plain words of what they say their goals are.
And then, channeling their own preachings, they’ll come for every non-Islamic country. From here:
Imam in Ireland running for parliament says: “Allah commands Muslims to kill Christians and Jews if they don’t convert or pay jizya.”
Europe, wake up.
They wrote it then, and openly say it too – Sharia law everywhere. Examples of Sharia.
More on Sharia. And a video about Sharia implementation in Taliban Afghanistan:
They’re HERE and they say this:
“Don’t just destroy Israel, destroy America” (barenakedislam.com)
Campus Jihadists Real Target Is America | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
Do these people look like they’re in the streets because of Israel? And just like people who fled Communism know what Communism is, people who fled Islam know what it is. Bolding added:
Look at this rally in Germany.
This is what things are like in Europe today.
Many Iranians who fled Islamists in Iran and went to live in Germany write on their social media:
“We fled the Islamists and came to Germany to be allowed to live. Where should our children flee to now?”
These Islamists want to destroy Western civilisation and rule the world.
They say “la ilaha illa Allah, al kholafa vaadollah”, meaning “No god but Allah, the caliphate is his promise “.
By this they mean that Allah will fulfil His promises in the world through His soldiers, these Islamists.
They proclaim during the rally that the a caliphate is the solution.
The world needs to wake up before this gets out of hand.
Did Israel have anything to do with the slaughter of Hindus in India?
Mughal India ~ The Biggest Holocaust in World History | SikhNet
Or the continued depredations of Hindu women today?
Muslims Abducting and Forcibly Converting Hindu Women | Frontpage Mag
Or slaughters of Christians in Nigeria and elsewhere?
Did Israel have anything to do with the Barbary Pirates?
William Federer: Jefferson and the Barbary Pirate Coast | The Patriot Post
Tell me this, from over 200 years ago, could not have come from any jihadist today:
When Jefferson asked the Islamic Ambassador what the new country of America had done to offend them, he reported to John Jay, March 28, 1786:
“The ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of the prophet, it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman (Muslim) who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”
Read that quote again. Then tell me with a straight face this is not what jihadists and imams say now. (And where was Israel back in Jefferson’s day, hmmm?)
I understand there are concerns about supporting Israel, and I’ve openly said that long-term Israel needs to wean itself – voluntarily – from US support (as, more broadly, any country wanting to have pride in itself should). But this war must be won first. How do you win a war? By crushing the enemy so thoroughly that they stop fighting and accept defeat.
And, as I opined in one of my Israel posts, at the end, that the war against a caliphate MUST include undermining the religion as it currently exists. If there is, or can be developed, wedges to insert into Islamic dialog that such actions as we saw in Israel recently, and more broadly how such actions around the world over decades are violations of Islamic law, let’s do this. Surely, between multiple scholars of Islam and moderate Muslims (they do exist) ways can be studied to do this. Start with this guy:
Also, this guy. image seen above (Loay Alshareef, a Muslim social media influencer from the UAE):
On Jerusalem Day, I would like to remind my fellow Muslims that neither Prophet Mohammed nor his companions regarded Jerusalem as holy or (Haram حرم), reserving this reverence only for Mecca and Medina.Neither the Prophet nor his companions actually called it “Jerusalem” or even “Al-Quds”; they referred to it by the common Latin Roman name “Aelia Capitolina” (مدينة إيلياء), chosen by the Romans when they expelled the Jews from Israel and renamed the land “Palestine” after it was called “Judea”.However, Jewish Israeli prophets like King David, whom we honor and revere and even name our kids after (ironically), established it as the capital of Israel 3,000 years ago when David became the King of Israel.PS: The name Al-Quds (Arabic equivalent to Jerusalem) comes from the Hebrew word בית המקדש (Beit Hamikdash) which is the Jewish Temple.History 101.You’re Welcome.
To truly win a war with an enemy committed to dying in this fight – because their greatest reward possible is to die in the fight – one must, in turn, figure out how to demoralize them and someone remove that impetus. If, for example, it can somehow be shown that terror and kidnapping and so on is against Islam, then that can push a drive to reconsider these things. So, too, can a “new interpretation” of what awaits the martyr in the afterlife:
As an aside. Consider that Islam has four wives per husband (up to, as they can afford), plus as many slave women as they can catch. What does this logically do? Create a shortage of women. So to all those sex starved poorer men, EITHER they go out and capture women (Captive of the Right Hand) by engaging in jihad, OR they get killed in jihad and get an eternity of women. It’s a diabolically-clever system, no?
Yes, sex slavery is a real thing in Islam. From here:
A Muslim woman says the Quran permits the kidnapping of “sabaya” (sex slave prisoners of war) and the sex slaves are allowed to be raped…on live television for an Arab audience:
“[Islam] put slavery in order…the “sabaya” (female prisoners of war) are “those whom you own.” In order to humiliate them…[her captor] can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives.”
Does Islamic Law Sanction Hamas’ Rape of Captives? | Frontpage Mag
What on earth, besides rape, could be the meaning behind “the girls who can get pregnant”?
What possible reason could there be of a captive woman limping, blood on her pants, besides rape?
Watch this clip of Karina Ariev:
Her tank top ripped with her bra exposed. It wasn’t ripped earlier in the video.
Her slow pained gait as she walks towards the Jeep.
The blood on the seat of her snoopy pants. It wasn’t bloody earlier in the video.
She’s been raped.
Persian Jewess (https://x.com/persianjewess/status/1793504456899998206?s=46)
Just look at what they’re doing in Britain, and more broadly all across Europe. Anything to do with Israel? No. Everything to do with Islam and its views of infidels? Emphatic YES. Remember the Yazidi girls?
“They were punished for refusing to have sex with Isis militants,” Abdullah al-Malla, a local media activist, told the agency.
Again – their raping and burning uncooperative women alive has nothing to do with Israel. It has everything to do with Islam and its need to dominate all life.
Lest you forget the reason for why Israel is in Gaza as hard and heavy as they are:
Hamas Massacre – October 2023 (hamas-massacre.net)
Announcing MEMRI Hamas Atrocities Documentation Center | MEMRI
These next two video links are… not just difficult. They’re almost unwatchable. EXTREME CONTENT WARNING!!!!
40 minutes of Hamas atrocities – most that they filmed (rumble.com)
The first scene is of two female Israeli soldiers, unarmed, hiding under a desk. Shot point-blank. Totally against the Geneva Convention. And yet, despite this and legions of other examples, Israel is expected to obey the Geneva Conventions while Hamas completely ignores them? Remember that Hamas had big screen TVs set up (video, 34 minutes) so the “home audience” could see what was happening, live.
Another one:
Pregnant woman (source here)
They taped her mouth shut so she couldn’t scream and held her down as they cut out her baby. And filmed it.
This is why Israel is going full force; by all rights Israel should carpet bomb Gaza into powder, then go in on foot and kill anything born with two legs. Consider that the just-rescued Noa Argamani was held in a private home.
Even children? What should one do with kids like this charmer?
When one sets foot on an adder, one asks not its size.
– Robert E. Howard, writing the character Solomon Kane
WATCH: ‘I want to stab a Jew,’ young girl tells her teacher father | The Times of Israel
Legions of videos exist, e.g., Gaza kindergarten graduation ceremonies. Teenage summer camps. Innocent children? Not.
So look at yourself in the mirror – assuming you were able to watch the above two gruesome videos – tell me you would NOT be using “overwhelming force” if October 7 happened to your country. How many missiles would need to land in your country for you to respond?
More on horrors done by the Oct. 7 terrorists. From here (bolding added):
We found this phrase book inside the uniform pockets of the Hamas terrorists who were killed and/or captured alive on October 7 inside Israel. Guess what phrases in Hebrew they had there?
“Pull down your pants!” Followed by “keep your hands up!” Both were in the feminine case of the Hebrew language.
They came ready and prepared for a mass rape of Israeli girls!
For those who have been in the military: Is there any – ANY – reason to learn the phrase “Take your pants off” to be told to a woman? And having the female form of the imperative specifically as Hebrew is a gendered language? How many of your countrywomen raped and slaughtered would it take before you screamed KILL THEM ALL?
‘Screams Before Silence’ Must Be Seen and Remembered (hollywoodintoto.com)
And you understood, finally, that offers of peace mean nothing to them? As the peace activists discussed here learned to their sorrow.
In my Israel posts (last one here) I have a section called ATROCITIES that also highlight, grimly and vividly, specific cases. More broadly, Islam has always been like that. The man in this essay was known to Mohammed personally.
Allah’s Sword of Terror (raymondibrahim.com) (link in the original, bolding added):
For example, only recently I came across a video of a modern-day Egyptian Salafi explaining how Khalid raped Layla, the wife of Malik bin Nuwayra—but only after he severed her husband’s head, lit it on fire, and cooked his dinner on it.
Khalid was recalled and questioned by the caliph—not because he killed and dined on an apostate’s head and “married” his wife, but because some believed that Malik was still Muslim, not an apostate to be treated so, and that Khalid killed him on the accusation of apostasy only as a pretext to take possession of his wife, whose beauty was renowned.
Note, too, he was not called onto the carpet for either cannibalism or rape, but rather just the possibility he might have killed another Muslim to take possession of his wife. Add in that, per a brief email conversation with Dr. Bill Warner of Political Islam, not only did he rape the man’s widow, he did so in a pool of her husband’s blood. And look at what Mohammed himself did to another widow – of a man he ordered tortured and (implicitly) ordered beheaded:
Kinana’s wife Safiyya bint Huyayy was taken as a war prize; Muhammad claimed her for himself and hastily arranged a “wedding” ceremony that night. He halted the Muslims’ caravan out of Khaybar later that night in order to consummate the marriage, or more precisely, to rape Safiyya.
As they will do unto you and yours if they’re not stopped.
The Greatest Murder Machine in History – American Thinker
Did this expansion of Islam come because of Israel or Jews?
On peace and treaties with Islam:
Myth: The Treaty of Hudaibiya (thereligionofpeace.com)
And Brigitte Gabriel covers Islamic history in a few minutes:
One last thing on this. If you think that life under Islamic rule, dhimmitude, was great – e.g., the “Golden Age” in Islamic Spain… think again:
And familiarize yourself with the Pact of Umar, which set the guidelines for the above so-called “peaceful coexistence”.
Leading up to WW2 the allies appeased Hitler by handing over the Sudetenland. That did not slake Hitler’s thirst, it whetted it because he understood the cowardly nature of the Allies. To his defeat, eventually, but so much could have been avoided.
Whether we like it or not, it is – again – Islam vs. non-Islam. Understand that every victory they have fuels their recruitment and drive to continue. Feeding Israel to Islam will not win The West peace. It will only fuel their contempt for us infidels and our weakness, and they will drive ever harder to Islamize the world.
Palestinian Islamic Scholar: We Want to Conquer the World | MEMRI
The goal is to, under 2:191 Drive them out from where they drove you out, reclaim all the lands Islam lost. And then on to the rest. Nothing to do with Israel; everything to do with a drive to conquer the world for Allah.
I have the moral courage to take them at their word. Do you? Or does brutality and rape and butchery and murder need to be at your doorstep before you get alarmed?
What a New Documentary Can Teach Us About Appeasing Islam | Frontpage Mag
And here’s that documentary:
Dear Infidels: A Warning to America | PragerU
Again, I take them at their word. I take seriously the warnings of people who have left Islam.
I see what Islam did in Israel, and read about it across history from the very originator, Mohammed to today. This will not stop with Israel.
Gentlemen, we in the West must hang together against Islam, or we will surely be slaves or dead separately.
— Paraphrased from Benjamin Franklin
So, one last look at history. The UK tried to appease Hitler with the Sudenteland. How’d that work out?
How Britain Hoped To Avoid War With Germany In The 1930s | IWM (bolding added):
Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, appeasement was the name given to Britain’s policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked. Most closely associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it is now widely discredited as a policy of weakness. Yet at the time, it was a popular and seemingly pragmatic policy.
Hitler’s expansionist aims became clear in 1936 when his forces entered the Rhineland. Two years later, in March 1938, he annexed Austria. At the Munich Conference that September, Neville Chamberlain seemed to have averted war by agreeing that Germany could occupy the Sudetenland, the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia – this became known as the Munich Agreement.
In Britain, the Munich Agreement was greeted with jubilation. However, Winston Churchill, then estranged from government and one of the few to oppose appeasement of Hitler, described it as ‘an unmitigated disaster’.
Appeasement was popular for several reasons. Chamberlain – and the British people – were desperate to avoid the slaughter of another world war. Britain was overstretched policing its empire and could not afford major rearmament. Its main ally, France, was seriously weakened and, unlike in the First World War, Commonwealth support was not a certainty. Many Britons also sympathised with Germany, which they felt had been treated unfairly following its defeat in 1918.
But, despite his promise of ‘no more territorial demands in Europe’, Hitler was undeterred by appeasement. In March 1939, he violated the Munich Agreement by occupying the rest of Czechoslovakia. Six months later, in September 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Britain was at war.
Winston Churchill was called a warmonger, fear peddler, and so many other names. A war-torn nation understandably didn’t want another war. But Churchill had read Hitler’s book and had had the moral courage to take Hitler at his word. His shot to Chamberlain was prophetic.
“You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.”
I understand that you may not like Israel. You may not even like Jews. This is beyond that. Israel is on the front lines of a heating-up renewed war of the House of Islam vs. the House of War. The enemies are inside the gates of Western Civilization.
Massachusetts: Pro-Hamas Muslim child says he wants to become a martyr (jihadwatch.org)
They smell weakness. That weakness will only be confirmed if the West feeds Israel to Islam. The West is already in dire straights. You say we cannot afford to support Israel? I say – irrespective of my Judaism – that we cannot afford the enormous exultation and morale boost Muslims would get if Israel falls.
Support Israel now. With US aid. With personal donations. With commerce (here and here). And do it against the hoped-for day that Islam is driven back and Israel can – finally! – tell the US “no more”. (I know there’s a movement in Israel to do so.)
Only fools fight in a burning house. And Islam is a civilization-ending fire.
— Klingon Proverb (modified)
And on that day, when we’ve driven them back again… potentially even Carthage-style… then I’ll cheerfully celebrate an end to aid to Israel. For Israel’s sake, to stand on its own and not be captive to America. And for America, for we cannot afford this support forever as we spiral down a debt black hole.
And that’s how I’ll close, to people who think that letting Islam devour Israel will buy them peace – Israel’s fight NOW will be ours in the NEAR FUTURE. Our civilizational enemies speak their goals clearly. Have the moral courage to take them at their word, the historical perspective to understand that appeasement never works, and the time-proven fact that the longer you wait to take decisive action against a determined foe, the harder it is to win.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
— Sun Tzu
Video from the Massachusetts-related link above. This is your future, America, if Islam wins. Know your enemy. Stop them now, or learn Arabic and the Shahada.