As Central American Caravan Heads to U.S Guatemala Arrests 100 ISIS Terrorists

It’s no secret that the porous southern border has been used to get terrorists into the United States. Narco-terrorists bring drugs to gangs in sanctuary cities like Lawerence, Massachusetts. That poison kills hundreds annually here in New Hampshire.

It naturally follows that if they the cartels can get their people in so can Islamofascists like those in ISIS who seek to harm us in other ways. So, as the Democrats rally for more open borders ask yourself how much of a threat this represents to national security when you read headlines like this?

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.

In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education.

The so-called party of women could care less about the human trafficking component of porous borders so why would they care about the threat of terrorists sneaking in and building terror cells near your communities?

Not only do Democrats not take it seriously they are so absorbed in their own hateful rhetoric that they’d risk your life ignoring while they smear regular working American citizens.

Keep all that in mind as they milk their family separation, heartless Republican narratives over the next two weeks. An Illegal immigrant killed Molle Tibbetts. DACA created the opioid crisis that has killed thousands of your neighbors, friends, and family. Democrat Sanctuary city policies aid and abet human and drug trafficking in the US. And hundreds if not thousands of children are abused and raped annually by criminal illegal entrants.

ISIS and MS-13 have and will continue to use the holes Obama, Democrats, and Liberal courts punched in the border to sneak in drugs and foot soldiers in their war against America.

Democrats don’t care.

If they did, they’d support border enforcement. Instead, they favor the exact opposite.


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