The Mexican President hasn’t Done Anything to Stop the Caravan Crime Spree

Border tensions are flaring as thousands of foreigners stress the patientce and resources of local residents. In Mexico. According to Mexican journalist Alex Backman, things are bad and the President of Mexico is doing nothing to stop it.

“…the migrants are robbing and stealing in Mexico. They carjack cars containing just one occupant. There are even accounts of rapes. Many of the migrants will not let people film them. If they see someone filming them through a car window, they stop the car and demand the phone. Backman suspects the reason they don’t want to be filmed is because they have criminal histories.” also reports some thoughts from the president of Honduras, who says, “the caravan was organized by leftist organizations.”

Left-wing organizations are providing assistance. They include the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which stands for the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. At least three of the groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

But wait, there’s more. No, I’m serious, More caravans. 

A man within the Mexican government told Backman there are more caravans coming from three other countries; Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela. Officials in Baja California say there are currently 9,000 migrants moving through Mexico in caravans.

And they all thought of this all by themselves, all at the same time.

Sure, they did.

The U.S. has locked down the border because of this caravan. So, the problems the Mexican President is avoiding (and created by letting them caravans through in the first place) are going to get worse. Ugly.

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