Comments on DJ Bettencourt’s Op-Ed in the UL


which laid out the Republican agenda in the NH House of Representatives.  I just read it quickly and didn’t see much of it that I could agree against.  Frankly, my issues were this:

  • Reduce the spending as we have a $600-$800 million deficit (this week, up to a Billion).
  • Reduce the amount and intrusiveness of Govt in the business community to make this State a mecca for business
  • Reverse the ramming through of the Liberal / Progressive social agenda.  After all, they took advantage of their majorities, why shouldn’t Conservatives?

A couple of points / lines that caught my eye:

We are committed to this comprehensive conservative agenda, and we will deliver on our promise to protect the New Hampshire Advantage of low taxes and limited government.

You say it – we hold you accountable for it!  I do hope that the committment holds even under the withering fire of the Progressives, Suckley (yeah, I know, the same thing) and the Press.

Our agenda seeks reform in five major policy areas: government spending and regulations, business and enterprise, retirement reform, education excellence, and personal rights and responsibility. These are not just the priorities of House Republicans, but are the priorities of Granite Staters who sent a clear message in November: transform and rehabilitate our economy without new taxes.

If it was a simple majority, I would have said no.  A large majority, still…

…no.  This SuperMarjority?  Absolutely – on November 2nd, the voters of NH delivered an absolute mandate: we totally reject what the Democrats gave us.  Stop it, repeal it – and be careful that you do or you shall experience November 2nd yourselves (and trust me, it will be worse than 2006 & 2008).

Our task begins with focusing on spending and the deficit. This Legislature must immediately take on the duty of making some very difficult, but necessary spending choices.

And it should be done.  Even CBS reported a poll that 77% would rather have a smaller government than increase taxes.  

Over the past four years, state government spending increased by 25 percent…an unprecedented deficit of nearly $1 billion…

..Some have looked at this problem and suggested that raising taxes is the only way to address this crisis. We oppose this kind of lazy legislating.

Indeed! The problem is that with the spigot too close by, the urge to open it is irresistible.  It is only under constraints that great managers can show what they can do in crafting great solutions.  Too often, however, politicians won’t face up to difficult decisions – I will be interested to see if this new Republican Leadership will make those decisions if it is personally costly.

Next, our retirement system is on the brink of insolvency. Rather than point fingers or assign blame for the multi-billion dollar unfunded liability, we must immediately get to work to resolve it.

A change from a defined benefit to a defined contribution as in the private sector.  It cannot be an "if" – only a when (which should be Real Soon Now) and how it will be tiered (e.g., younger workers should be moved into a defined contribution immediately – older workers on a graduated scale).

We will not abandon our core belief that parents are the best to decide the education of their children and that competition — whether through vouchers, open enrollment, or charter schools — are indispensable to ensuring that students have the tools they need to excel.

It is not that children deserve a public education – they deserve a publicly funded one.  It should be that parents are in control – it is called Educational Freedom!

Any agenda needs some "tag lines" – and this works for me:

These are the themes of the 2011-2012 House Republican agenda: more money in your pocket, more investment in our businesses, job growth, secure retirement, excellence in education and important long-term reforms for the financial health of New Hampshire.

That’s the mission statement.  A clear statement at the ‘top level’.  Now, let’s see the execution thereof; I will be interested to see the next two levels down for what is to be implemented.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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