Who I’m voting for on Tuesday in the GOP primary…and why.

Steve MacDonald

Okay, let’s get one thing straight at the very outset: For us in the Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire, it is far more important what happens in and to our state, than what happens in Washington, DC. We have a chance here to resist and defeat the cancerous, corrupt political culture of Washington, DC that is spreading throughout America. Barack Obama has “piled on” and made things immensely worse by importing his “Chicago gangster politics” from Illinois…and been welcomed for it in DC. Thus, because I do not see any great possibility that the national politics of Washington, DC can be quickly cleaned up in any meaningful way, I am choosing to vote for a candidate whom I see as having a real chance of being elected…but who “throw bombs,” someone who will cause maximum chaos, confusion, disarray, and disruption in the nation’s capitol as President.

This means that Romney is out. It is no surprise that Sen. John McCain endorsed him today. Nor is it any surprise that the statist of the GOP establishment has made it clear this year that “he’s their man.” There will be no bomb-throwing, and no disruption of the malignant Washington, DC culture if he is elected.

Ditto for Rick Santorum. He has repeatedly voted to raise spending limits, bragged about all the money he “brought to Pennsylvania” with his hundreds of earmarks, and voted against a national right-to-work statute. He also supported super-RINO turncoat-traitor Sen. Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania in the GOP primary in 2004. Who did he support Spector against? Why, a real Republican, free-market conservative Pat Toomey (who is now a sitting senator from Pennsylvania; when Spector saw he couldn’t win the GOP primary in 2010, he of course switched to Democrat; Santorum supported that guy against Toomey!).

As of the close of the polls in Iowa on Tuesday, the media (of course!) immediately started playing the meme that “It’s Romney’s race to lose,” and he can only be challenged by Santorum, who cannot prevail over Romney. A win-win situation! If you’re a statist pig!

So now, with Michele Bachmann and Gary Johnson out of the race, it really comes down to “who’s left?” Texas Gov. Rick Perry is better than Romney or Santorum, but not all that much, what with his open border policy, in-state tuition for illegal aliens, and forced inoculations of school girls for sexually transmitted diseases. Jon Huntsman? On come on: He’s an unapologetic big-government, high-tax man who originally ran as the liberal mainstream media darling, then discovered that he’s a conservative.

So. That brings us down to only two remaining names: The sainted Dr. Ron Paul, and his evil doppelganger…yes, Newt Gingrich. I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 New Hampshire GOP primary. He’s still my favorite in many ways. But…. Yeah, there’s a “but” (there’s always a “but,” right?). BUT…Ron Paul isn’t going to get the GOP nomination this year (if Rand Paul were running, yes, he would have gotten it, and we’d all be united behind him now…but he quite rightly declined to run against his dad out of filial piety). That’s just the way it is. Sorry!

Oh god….Gingrich. Gingrich, Gingrich, Gingrich….everybody hates him. Liberals, conservatives, establishment Republicans, socialists (but I repeat myself), Democrats, libertarians, pig statists, anarchists, pig collectivists…they ALL have a hard-on for Gingrich. I mean, it’s like the first time in human history that a boss chick like the sainted Ann Coulter has joined forces with All Democrats and a mano-a-mano French-talking Canadian conservative like Mark Steyn, along with TV RINO Joe Scarborough, and every co-opted GOP congressman who originally worked with Gingrich in the 1990’s and then decided if you can’t beat’em, you join ’em because that’s where the power and money is. Not to mention Peggy Noonan, the former conservative who’s becoming the Republican bag-lady of The Wall Street Journal.

Well? Everybody has their own price, right? Think about it: You’re a young congressman in Washington, DC, and you’ve got PRINCIPLES. Yeeeee-HAW! PRINCIPLES! So a half dozen avatars of Satan (your party leadership) sit you down in a room and ask you just one question. “Well, punk? Do ya feel lucky today? You ought to, because we want to know just one thing: We wanna know your PRICE. You tell us. What do you want in return for your vote on this piece of statist, socialist, fascist, unconstitutional, anti-Bill of Rights legislation?”

Well, you’re too pure for that, right? “Oohhh,” you coo, “I couldn’t possibly….”

“Just name a number,” says your gangster congressional leader #1. “Just do it. Stop playing little miss Marty Poppins, asshole.”

That makes you mad! You want to show them a thing or two, so you come up with an outrageous, impossibly large number. “Okay, not a penny less than $50 million, big guys! For me personally. In a numbered foreign bank account! So there!”

You know what? They laugh at you. (“Chicken-feed,” they snicker, out of range of your hearing. Chicken-feed for the chump!)

And there it is, as easy as that: You done been bought, young Congressman! You’re rich, understand—you’ll never have to work another day in your life, and neither will anyone else in you’re family…but you’re bought. So there’s Gingrich, the mighty Speaker of the House, still trying to clean up just a corner of the mess in DC. And, being bought, you turn against him, because you don’t want to hear about it. You and your buddies “turn cannibal” (in Newt’s memorable phrase), and you get rid of him. He’s not a DC team player, you understand. You understood it, they understood it, even he understood it. Balanced budget for four years running? Feh! Federal government surpluses for four years? Feh! NO tax increases while he did it? DOUBLE FEH! Tax cuts while he was going it? TRIPLE FEH!

But I digress. Glenn Beck! Hates Gingrich! National review? Hates Gingrich! Bzzzzttt! You name’em: Big-time establishment conservatives, libertarian-conservatives, movement conservatives, cultural conservatives, social conservatives? All over America! Time to dump on Gingrich!

Well hell, it’s not as if they don’t have reason to, right? Oh yeah…I’m well aware: Scozzafava over Doug Hoffman in NY-23. Supporting the TARP tomfoolery. Global warming with Nancy-flippin’-Pelosi! An. Individual. Mandate. An individual flippin’ mandate! Are you insane Newt? Where have you left your BRAINS? (To us freedom-flippers, it doesn’t do to explain, i.e. when Newt got behind the individual mandate idea in the 1990’s, it was part of a plan that the Heritage Foundation and a bunch of other Deep-Thinker-Conservatives had come up with. Why? To fight and defeat the looming disaster of Hillarycare, of course…which at that time was thought to be a Big Threat. Shit. “Big threat”? I’ll give you “big threat”: Obama trundles into Washington, DC with his official photoshopped Hawaii birth certificate, dragging a retinue of racist gangsters in 2009—think the Rev. Wright and Attorney General Eric Holder for starts—and we thought Hillary was an America-hating “threat”? NOT!)

But back to chaos and disruption in DC’s thoroughly corrupt political culture. BOMBS! Great big ones! That’s what Gingrich did do, can do, and will do. Hell, he’s been accused of it before! Back in the day! Can he beat Obama? He’s the only one left in the queue who can do it. Ron Paul? If he were by some immutable miracle to get millions of Republicans who are screamingly hostile to him to give him the nomination, and then somehow the kindly and grandfatherly Ron Paul were to be actually elected President…why, he’d be so isolated and segregated, so quarantined and utterly sequestered in the poisonous, larcenous, malignant Washington political culture…hell, they’d tell him “Go sit in the back of the bus, Prez!” We wouldn’t even HEAR from him for four years. Vetos? Oh please. Override, override, override, override, override, override….a chance for the Republicans and the Democrats to finally really “reach across the aisle” to “get things done.” Gag me. No, that’s not right. Actually, it would be “gag Ron Paul,” and that’s exactly what the wealthy political/government/ruling classes in and around DC would do. And there would be nothing we could do about it.

Gingrich? Oh gawd! Choose your adjective! Mean? Egotistical? Nasty? Bloviating? A Grinch? Christmas-stealer? Oh sure. I mean…YEAH. To the mephitic pig-statists who run Washington, DC, he’s all those! They fear him for that! That’s why they got rid of him in the first place! So you want to cast stones at Gingrich? Do so! Load up on those adjectives! Have at it!

But…and I told you, there’s always a but…you know what? In the end, Gingrich actually did come through in DC the last time around. Just for a few shining years, in the face of hostility and hatred from just about the entire cast of the government/political/ruling classes…he actually came up with—and forced through—four, national, balanced, budgets…for four straight years. No wonder they hate him!! It hadn’t been done for decades, and the last time it happened, under Nixon, it was apparently some kind of gigantic accounting error.

And yet…there it was: Gingrich led the team that did it. And that did welfare reform (too bad he didn’t abolish it entirely, for the good of those who are hooked on the welfare-state heroin). And that did tax cuts. And that turned loose American business to create something like…what…11 million new jobs? Oh, I know! Don’t get me wrong, all you Democrats and libertarians out there: “He didn’t have anything to do with it.” Right. And if Bob Dole or Joe Scarborough or Jerry Ford or Richard Nixon or John McCain or any of a host of other fake-conservative Republicans were in that position…the same thing would have happened, right? Just like that! No difference!

I don’t THINK so! I really don’t. But (that damned but again!), I really, really don’t like it that Gingrich half the time goes flying off the reservation because he’s always thinking about stuff (dangerous pastime, that). There’s no doubt about it: Sometimes his brain is in gear where the gearshift just don’t work. The teeth in that transmission are stripped, baby! And he apparently hasn’t figured out that not only is Rick Perry right about abolishing three federal cabinet-level agencies—whatever they are—but Ron Paul is right in planning to abolish five of those big-Bertha, bloated bureaucracies. Five! As for me, I’d go after more! After Ron Paul’s five are abolished—Commerce, Education, Energy, Housing & Urban Development, and Commerce—were abolished, I’d go after Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor, and Transportation too! (Where the HELL did all these monstrosities come from?) But Newt Gingrich isn’t Rick Perry. He isn’t Ron Paul either. So we wait to see if he will or not (I think he would).

In the meantime, Gingrich is entirely capable of thinking and speaking for himself. Did you notice, during the GOP debates, the DRONEDRONEDRONEDRONEDRONE sounds coming from the stage? It’s as if everyone has a string sticking out of their backs, and when you ask a question, you pull the string, and…DRONEDRONEDRONEDRONE. I had to stop watching some of them, it got so bad. But here’s where Gingrich comes in. It’s quite interesting. He doesn’t DRONE. He comes out and says “here’s the way it is.” Odd, that, non? He actually discusses the issues in ways that make you realize…gee, this guy has actually thought about this stuff.

Not that the sainted Ron Paul hasn’t! He has. But—where the hell did that “but” come from?—Gingrich and Ron Paul are the only two of all the Republicans running for President who don’t go DRONEDRONEDRONEDRONE when answering a question. Look at it this way: Whoever beats Obama—if indeed Obama can be beaten, and the sainted economist, Dr. Walter Williams, has said that Obama cannot be beaten because we’ve already gone over the cliff of statism and collectivism as a country and a culture—so whoever beats Obama is going to be a marked man with a target on his face for every snot-nosed, idiot OWSer, every half-bright media moron trying to make a name for himself, and every pig-statist/collectivist/fascist Democrat and “Republican” all over the country who sees their government stuff being threatened. Oh yeah, it’ll be ugly. Ugly, ugly, ugly. But you know what? Gingrich is tough enough, smart enough, mean enough, and strong enough to get at least get some disruption done…and when a corrupt gangster political culture such as that which exists in Washington, DC gets disrupted, we all win. Who knows? Maybe Gingrich can pull it off.

Think about it: In order to go up against the half the country that is dependent upon government, including the entire be-warted mainstream media, all the half-bright Hollywood pustules, not to mention every political-criminal hanger-on in Washington, DC and every state capitol in the country…you gotta be smart, tough, strong and mean. AND… You. Must. Be. Able. To. COMMUNICATE. Talk to them! Gingrich can do that, and doubtless will.

There’s another interesting thing about Gingrich, too. All the stuff that he wants to do, all the mean and nasty things he’s going to be doing to the political classes? He’s laying it all out, even as we speak. And compared to what this guy is saying, everyone else in the race is timid. As in timid!. Go on, say he won’t do it, he won’t actually follow through. But he already DID do it, the last time he was in office. This is a guy who doesn’t DRONEDRONEDRONEDRONE to get elected (and if you don’t like it that’s too damned bad, say people like me). Would he really do those things? Abolish the death tax? Abolish the capital gains tax (abolish it?). Reduce the corporate income tax to 12.5%? Get us an optional flat 15% tax so anyone could do their income taxes on a postcard? Repeal the Community Investment Act? Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley? Repeal Dodd-Frank? Break up Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and withdraw all government support for them? Rein in the Federal Reserve and make them back the dollar with a clearly delineated basket of something of value again (maybe including gold)? Rein in the medicine-killers at the FDA? Rein in the tin-hat dictators at the EPA? Abolish every “czar” within 24 hours of being inaugurated? Repeal Obamacare? Stop blocking energy production in the U.S.? Actually strive to make the country energy independent?


Oh PLEASE. I mean…where is this guy GINGRICH coming from? Some would say the question is “could he do those things?” Wrong question! The REAL one is “would he actually try to do them.” Well get this: He…just…might. All of it. And I actually think he would, even if it is “all so crazy”. You think he can’t defend each and every position and proposal he has? Hide & watch, sucker. I do believe I see him as the anti-George W. Bush, who promised everything to everyone, and did nothing at all. Gingrich is just mean enough, just smart enough, just alarmed and alarming enough…and he just may be enough of a writer, thinker, and historian, to actually see that castor-flipping-oil is what we need. Yep. I do believe he’s crazy enough to actually act on his promises. I actually believe he’d try to get done what he says he wants to do. The RINO’s and political class pigs in Congress will doubtless try to block him, but with a Republican House and a Republican Senate—remember, you heard it here first!—things…just…might…change with Newton Gingrich in the Presidency. God knows we need it.

Oddly enough, I’m not the only one who thinks that Gingrich is the only one on the horizon who would actually pull the trigger and blow up the cozy, open corruption of Cornhusker Kickbacks and Earmark Enemas that have been plaguing our country in the Washington, DC cesspool for years now. Listen to what just a few other respectable types are saying (because they’re respectable; not like me and my types at all):

1. Economist, philosopher, and writer Thomas Sowell: “Why not vote for the candidate who has shown the best track record of accomplishments, both in office and in the debates? That is Newt Gingrich. With all his shortcomings, his record shows that he knows how to get the job done in Washington.”

2. Economist Art Laffer, the father of the supply-side revolution: “I think if Newt is president, you are going to see economic growth beyond what you have ever seen…When he was speaker, he was able to work with Bill Clinton closely and carefully to bring one of the most prosperous periods in American history.”

3. Michael Reagan, son of Ronald and a nationally syndicated columnist and talk-show host: “Newt Gingrich will help continue my father’s legacy….He is a man who fought in Congress for my father’s programs, a man who believes that President Obama’s vision for America is a dangerous one and must be stopped and reversed.”

4. John Hawkins of the national online blog, RightWingNews: “Other than Ronald Reagan himself, Newt Gingrich has actually helped push through more conservative legislation than anybody else in the last 30 years. This is the man behind the Contract with America, welfare reform, and a balanced budget in D.C. He has a lifetime ACU rating of 90. This isn’t a man who governed as a centrist and is now telling us how conservative he’ll be this time around….No Republican in D.C. since Newt left has even come close to filling his shoes.”

5. Former U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts: “In Washington, around the country today we are talking about balanced budgets, paying down our national debt, getting the economy going, defending ourselves, activist judges. Newt Gingrich did all those things when he was speaker. We got tax relief. We got balanced budgets. We got job creation. We paid down our national debt. We haven’t done that since he left. So I think he’s been there, done that.”

But who cares about all those national figures?

As I said, the only thing that’s important to our future here in New Hampshire…is New Hampshire. We’ll do our part as the first-in-the-nation primary election in less than a week, and then we can forget about DC. We’ve got our own heavy-lifting to do in Concord living up to the Live Free or Die sentiments of the majority in this state. Nevertheless, we can do something within one little week to disrupt the business-as-usual corruption of Washington, DC, and that is for the entire conservative and libertarian firmament in New Hampshire to unite: You constitutionalists, you libertarian-conservatives, you 9/12ers, you Tea Partiers, you free marketeers, anarchists, and flipped-out individualists: If we all jump now, and vote for Gingrich in the NH primary in a few days, Romney’s media-and-money-fueled juggernaut could be dealt a crippling blow. Why? Look at the numbers in Iowa: Romney got 24.6%. Santorum, who is soon to be unmasked as no kind of conservative, got 24.5%. Ron Paul, 21.4% Gingrich 13.3% Perry, 10.3%. Bachmann, 5%. If you add up all those conservative vote percentages—and that’s what they are, people who think they’re voting conservative—then there’s a landslide for our side, and Romney loses.

But we have to unite. We have to vote for a single right-wing candidate. And Gingrich is the one.

Will it happen in New Hampshire? Of course not. Even with the scary polling numbers showing a possible landslide for Romney. Not good. Disastrous, in fact. Obama is George W. Bush’s third term; if Romney wins, he’ll be running to round it out by being Bush’s fourth term. We. Don’t. Need. That. Hell, when it comes to New Hampshire, don’t listen to me. Check out the state’s preeminent newspaper, The Union Leader (which is not part of the legacy lamestream media). It endorsed Gingrich in a front page editorial, saying “We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing. He did so with the Contract with America. He did it in bringing in the first Republican House in 40 years and by forging balanced budgets and even a surplus despite the political challenge of dealing with a Democratic President. A lot of candidates say they’re going to improve Washington. Newt Gingrich has actually done that, and in this race he offers the best shot of doing it again.”

But the UL is only a newspaper. There’s someone far more important whom we should heed, and that’s our own Speaker of the House, Bill O’Brien, who worked miracles last year by balancing the budget and not raising taxes. On December 21, 2012 O’Brien formally endorsed Newt Gingrich for President. O’Brien, as Speaker of the State House, reduced state spending by 17% last year after being given an $800 million deficit by the insane spenders of the previous Democrat majority…and didn’t raise taxes in the process.

Said O’Brien, “Only one candidate this year has achieved the meaningful change in Washington that we need, and that candidate is Newt Gingrich. As someone who believes in limited government and the New Hampshire motto of Live Free or Die, I believe that one person is certain to bring positive, transformative change to Washington, and that person is Speaker Newt Gingrich. He is the one person who will most certainly bring fiscal discipline back to Washington. His track record is exactly what we need now to solve today’s problems in Washington. He is the right man at the right time for the Presidency.”

And THAT, my friends, is why I’m voting for Newt Gingrich for President in the GOP primary on Tuesday. I urge you all to do the same.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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