I was in one of my favorite local area bakeries, family-owned. A classic small business which, preferentially, I support even if more expensive than the same product at a chain store. They have been following the mandatory mask ordinance of Nashua (which is in the process of being dropped).
If Biology Doesn’t Matter Then I Self-Identify as “Vaccinated”
I was chasing some details guaranteed to knock the COVIDISTAS off their crooked little rockers when I stumbled on a very cool take. Several, actually, some of which we’ve already touched on in these pages, but well worth a review because this spin on that take is awesome.
Eric Clapton on C-19 and Va**ines – “Where are All The Rebels?”
The complete collapse of curiosity and anti-establishment ‘ethics’ (for lack of a better term) is one of the watershed moments in hippie history. They grew up and became the establishment with the help of true Marxists and turned anti-establishment chic into doing you as you are told or else chic.
In 2021, More Americans Have Died from “COVID Vaccines” (2216) Than Mass Shootings (88)
We have passed one year of draconian, unconstitutional restrictions on our lives. Freedoms once lost are hard if not impossible to get back. Americans relinquished them due to fear; fear brought on by lies and deceit.
To Dr. Benjamin Chan, Epidemiologist, N.H. Dept. Of Health
Dear Dr. Chan,
I write to you in the hope that you suspend the current state-sponsored vaccination program that you are perpetrating on an unsuspecting public.
Another Monday Midday Meme Storm
While COVID19 and vaccine memes seem to be more popular than ever, I’ve taken this opportunity to include something besides COVID-related content for this week’s Monday Midday Meme Storm.
When it Comes to “Experimental Treatments” How About The ‘Right to NOT Be Made to Try’
Right to try legislation was a big deal. Create a legal path for terminally ill patients to access unapproved drugs or treatments for their condition(s). But the idea faced some pushback in the day by some of the same folks demanding that the COVDID19 vaccine be required before you can return to a “normal” life.
[Updated] We’re Starting a New Promotion Next Week – You Can Get One of These!
We appreciate your donations, but we feel a bit guilty about it. Yes, you are exchanging some of your hard-earned dollars for the content we provide for free, and thank you so much. But we like to give you something else in return. Maybe even something useful.
CDC Director Says Teachers Don’t Need Vaccinations to Reopen Schools
Someone in the Obiden White House needs to get the Communist Diseases Coordinators (CDC) under control. CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky just said, “Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite for safely reopening schools.” That’s not the party line.
Supervillain Bill Gates Wants to “Block-Out” the Sun
Bill Gates has so much money he may actually have an underground lair. Carved into the bedrock beneath his mansion or on some remote island he owns through shell companies. Where technicians and guards wearing matching uniforms (with different colored stripes) hurry along roughly hewn tunnels to do his bidding.
Why is Maine Giving You A Card When You Get Your COVID19 Vaccine?
Maine has announced that it will be giving vaccine recipients a card. No, it’s not a thank you card, nor a gift card. It’s a card that tells you that you got the shot. It also has a reminder on it. You need to show up so they can do it again.
NH Emergency Order 76 Mandates COVID19 Vaccinations and Abrogates Your Right to Privacy
The Governor of New Hampshire has released his own Kraken. Emergency Order 76. It overrides the existing statute that makes vaccinations optional and mandates that this “transaction” be documented and stored in a registry.
Students Locked Out Of Online Classes For Failing to Get Tested for COVID Sets Precedent for More Abuses
In late July, Wisconsin told all public employees to wear masks during Zoom meetings. Please compromise your health for us while at home as an example to others. Not to be outdone, Arizona University will lock students out of online classes if they have not been tested for COVID.
Every Authoritarian Movement Needs a Scapegoat
Every authoritarian movement, including this current medical surveillance police statist movement, needs a scapegoat to keep us afraid. The scapegoat of our time might be those of us who peacefully refuse and resist mandatory masking or shielding.
Mass General Hospital: “We showed that key antibody responses to COVID-19 do persist.”
Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital have published data related to an ongoing test for antibodies in patients who recovered from severe cases of COVID19.
Do You Feel Lucky?
On more than one occasion, Governor Sununu has said that life in the state might not fully return to normal until there is a vaccine. What does this mean? Not everyone wants an experimental Covid vaccine. Does Sununu intend to vaccinate everyone — without their consent forcibly?
Committee Decides State Should Pay For all Adult Vaccines Because of Global Warming
If you were on the fence about the stupidity of government, I’m here to push you off. The government is stupid. As exhibit A I present a subcommittee hearing on HB1655. A bill that would make taxpayers pay for all adult vaccines, mismanaged by a fumbling NH Agency.
May 25th GrokTALK! Guest Segment – Laura Condon
In this segment of GrokTALK! we are joined by Laura Condon, New Hampshire State Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center stops by to talk about vaccines, vaccination, New Hampshire House Bill 664–relative to the NH Vaccine association, and why should contact your State Senator and tell them to vote no on this … Read more
Guest Post: Vote NO on HB 664, a NH Vaccine Tax Assessment
From Laura Condon – Vote NO on HB 664, a NH Vaccine Tax Assessment (via Facebook)
There is a little-known vaccine tax assessment bill, HB 664 an act relative to the NH Vaccine Association working its way through the NH legislature that will impose a new, limitless tax assessment on every self-insured business and municipality in the state of New Hampshire that would have the effect of imposing an expanded defacto vaccine mandate on all children for all vaccines ever recommended for use, including new, unproven, largely experimental vaccines. This bill should be properly voted down. The bill is now in the senate and needs your urgent attention and is expected to be voted on by the full senate on May 23. Please contact your state senator today by phone and email and ask them to please vote no on HB 664.
Your senator can be reached here: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/Senate/members/senate_roster.aspx