What Steve Mac Donald said about NH politics below…

…also applies to our national politics in Washington, DC. Those %*#@! Tea Partiers won’t shut up. Worse yet, having helped win a historic GOP landslide election that the Old Republicans could never have pulled off, they now won’t take their seats in the back of the bus like the establishment pols are telling them they must. … Read more

One More for Reid

Nevada must be ….so proud. The Lame Duck agenda is rigged…says Democrat Senator.

Food For Thought

Over here, you’ll find Senator Shaheen crowing about how great the new food safety bill is, and how she, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, helped pass it. (It’s crap like all the other dem bills but that’s not why she’s an ass.)
She is an ass because (and if it makes you feel better Judd Gregg is an ass for being both a co-sponsor and a yeah vote) there are provisions in this Senate bill (S510) that….raise taxes.

A special message from Paul Hodes…

Heh! Loyal reader Bill sent me this "special" message from Paul Hodes:



ok, a bit of a parody….original after the jump (You know how worked up Harrell gets…we’ve got a bottle of Maalox around if you need it.  In fact, Harrell, we Groksters are trying to figure out the over / under for when you guys at NH Dem Party HQ have consumed a case of it.)

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Fiskal Konservative

…a diarist from the Daily KoS, expects you to believe that he is actually been undercover, hiding so far up under the left wing, that he would be permitted to keep and maintain a diary at the Daily KoS.

Another New Hampshire Myth Busted!

Thirty nine democrats voted with republicans to hold off the adjournment, but the vote fell short, leaving the tax hikes on the books as the House leaves to defend two years of excessive spending, massive debt, the democrats unpopular health care plan, the failure to utilize Pay-Go as promised, the inability to even try and form a budget, repeated ethical lapses by liberal law makers, and a host of other ills that have driven their approval rating to historical lows.

Going After Boxer

30 second can of whoop-ass! ,/p> (H/T The Blaze.com)

Has Hodes Joined The Party Of No?

Have you noticed that Paul Hodes is running on the things he voted against?  It’s a very short list and represents less than a fraction of 1% of his votes, but wouldn’t that mean he’s running as the party of no? I thought no was bad.  In fact, for the past two years, "no" has … Read more

Going After Boxer

Here is a recent Carly Fiorina Ad putting boxer in the proper ruling class context–that she has used government to make herself into a millionaire while her own constituents are made to suffer from her failure to lead. And that is really what it comes down to. Since early 2009 the left has tried to … Read more

Micro-Interview: Senator Jim DeMint endorsement of Ovide Lamontagne for US Senator from NH

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) was on our radio show a while ago to talk about his book, Saving Freedom.  Just a few minutes ago, he wanted to talk about one of his latest endorsements – Ovide Lamontagne for US Senator from NH. Click here to download it or to listen, use the player below: Ovide … Read more

Guess who just endorsed NH’s Ovide Lamontagne for US Senate?

The question is: "along the political spectrum of a "1" being Olympia Snow and a "10" being Jim DeMint, where would you be?" Kelly Ayotte refused to answer the question within the given parameters ("I will listen to the people of NH"). Another said "Mitch McConnell" Ovide? Back in October, I asked that question of … Read more

Bill Binnie, NH-Senator-wannabe: slightly vindictive?

A green story of another sort…and certainly begs a different answer to the famous Mr. Roger’s question “Won’t you be my neighbor?” I quite sure that Mr. Binnie’s neighbor has a very UN-Rogers like answer. (H/T: Paul)

A guest post by the Hon. Paul Mirski in light of the negative attack (once again) by the NHFC on Ovide Lamontagne

GraniteGrok endorsed Ovide Lamontagne for US Senate, and continues to give its unwavering support to him.  Given his unexpected rise in the polling, it was only a matter of time that he would come under attack from those (and their surrogates) The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is such a surrogate – unlike the ‘Grok that … Read more

League Of Conservation Hodes-sters

LCV rolls out the fake grass matThe LCV (League Of Conservation Voters) has an entity registered with the New Hampshire Secretary of State (here) called the LCV political engagement fund, whose stated purpose is "providing grants to other non-candidate New Hampshire Political committees."

Normally we would assume this is to funnel special interest donor money into the state to hide targeted issue or candidate advocacy because that’s what all the other democrat fronts are for and Buckly loves to juggle the money back and forth through them so it’s almost impossible to figure out how the system has been gamed.  But this is a bit more straight forward.

And after someone sent me this ad on Craig’s List,(after the jump) it seemed very much like that could be exactly the purpose.


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“Ovide’s Oath”

Ovide Lamontagne, who GraniteGrok has endorsed, has just come out with his first TV ad: I just wish that he had said what it contained, but since he didn’t, YOU can just click here and saunter right on over and read it for yourself! Add this from Erick Erickson of RedState to the thought train … Read more

Let’s play “Guess Who?”

Heh! This was amusing…. GH = Guess who

    10.) <GH> and Biden both gave thousands to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

    9.) <GH> and Biden both gave money to defeat former Sen. John E. Sununu (R-NH).

    8.) <GH> and Biden both supported Democrats for President in 2000.

    7.) <GH> and Biden both opposed President Bush’s reelection in 2004.

    6.) <GH> and Biden both support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

    5.) <GH> and Biden both were open to backing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

    4.) <GH> and Biden both oppose Arizona’s law cracking down on illegal immigrants.

    3.) <GH> and Biden both have expressed dislike for the Republican Party.

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Let me add this to Tom’s post on Mr. Binnie…

Certainly, RedHampshire has the Letter from Uncle John NH GOP Chair John Sununu: The first issue is to remember the value of winning the primary in a manner that makes the primary worth winning…Thus, the temptation to go negative is irresistible. It may seem to be advantageous to go negative to win the primary, but … Read more

Seacoast Republican Women Senatorial Debate – Part 3

Part 1 and Part 2 have already been posted… …here’s the final one – Part 3: Once again, thanks to Diane Bitter and Sue Polidura from the Seacoast Republican Women for the invite!

Seacoast Republican Women Senatorial Debate – Part 2

Part 1 is here.  Enjoy this one! The longer term goal is to take these questions and answers (and Part 3 will be up over the weekend) and match them with the Congressional Debate (waiting to upload those as well) ones as well. So much, and so little….and you know what the missing words are….you’re … Read more

Seacoast Republican Women Senatorial Debate – Part 1

This past Wednesday night, the Seacoast Republican Women (Portsmouth, NH) held a double header: a debate between the Republican candidates in NH’s CD-1 and then those for Senate. The moderator for both debates was Nancy Stiles (NH House of Representatives, running for NH Senate). Candidates included (Senate): Kelly Ayotte, Gerard Belion, Jim Bender, Bill Binnie, … Read more

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