This past Wednesday night, the Seacoast Republican Women (Portsmouth, NH) held a double header: a debate between the Republican candidates in NH’s CD-1 and then those for Senate. The moderator for both debates was Nancy Stiles (NH House of Representatives, running for NH Senate). Candidates included (Senate): Kelly Ayotte, Gerard Belion, Jim Bender, Bill Binnie, Dennis Lamarre, and Ovide Lamontagne.
This is Part 1 of 2.
Notables: Jim Bender’s opening remark (the Tweaking Award?), the Best One Word Response Award in the debate goes to Gerard Belion (which brought the house down), and the Best Non-verbal Response Award, again, goes to Jim Bender.
I will always point out one enormous fact that seems to elude most politicians: while showing that you are smart, while showing you are earnest, never forget: when people are laughing WITH you, they are paying attention. This night, Jim and Gerard "got it" and were rewarded for it.
Well done, gentlemen (from a former class clown….)!