Let me add this to Tom’s post on Mr. Binnie…

by Skip

Certainly, RedHampshire has the Letter from Uncle John NH GOP Chair John Sununu:

The first issue is to remember the value of winning the primary in a manner that makes the primary worth winning…Thus, the temptation to go negative is irresistible. It may seem to be advantageous to go negative to win the primary, but almost certainly going negative will make it more difficult to win the general election.

All during the hard parts of the Iraq War, we heard, over and over the Democrat call to arms in the ideological war here in the States:


It was almost the worst epithet that the Liberals hurled at Republicans; it codified their hatred of capitalism, their disdain for profits, their anti-war loving sentiments, their white hot hate of Bush II, and I believe, America as well.  They wanted a takeover and a teardown.

So, as I was watching Special Report on Fox News, imagine my absolute astonishment and cringe when I heard Bill Binnie’s latest attack ad on Ayotte. You have to listen closely, as it is quickly said at the end of the TV ad.  So, he’s stooping to Democrat smears?

Now, it is not my place, not my intent, to defend Kelly – but I am.  Has Binnie absolutely lost all sense of what "reasonable" or even "just barely over the edge" is?  I know some of the folks in his campaign – I have the feeling they are being ignored.  He has GOT to be totally caught up in a rage that is only bounded by Kathy "Lawsuit" Sullivan’s meltdown on WMUR’s Closeup (except they could get her off the stage).

He is now seemingly out of control….to use that word, Halliburton?  He must think he’s the NH political equivalent of Rambo, because he’s burning a whole lot of bridges – and fields, homes, streets…you get the idea.

So, what’s the difference, now, between him and the Democrats? Be pointed?  Sure.  Use records and history? Sure.  But to act like a Democrat with that?

No humor, that one, for sure – just white hot anger. All consuming.  Dude, yer past determined, past committed, and on the road to BEING committed.

Him and his money – put them together, place into the campaign mixer, be challenged on his stances (not unlike being challenged by a Board of Directors, except a lot of these folks know far more about politics and Conservative and Constitutional issues than a BoD knows about business – certainly FAR more than Binnie), shake well,  and we see what happens: the political equivalent of a bully.  People are noticing that he’s getting unhinged quickly. 

Look, it certainly ain’t beanbags, but unless your opponent is a Progressive / Socialist, it ain’t hep to go General Sherman either.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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