The more one learns about Kelly Ayotte, the more worrisome the prospect becomes of her gaining the GOP nomination for the crucial Senate seat being vacated by present Senator Judd Gregg. Following the initial stumble (as first reported in this GraniteGrok exclusive) when the New Hampshire Attorney General reneged on her acceptance of a keynote speaker’s gig at a prominent GOP function– which insiders claim was at the request of Governor Lynch himself– the most recent "buzz" surrounding her potential candidacy is a mixed bag at best. Given the far-ranging damage being wrought by President Obama and the Democratic majority in Congress, New Hampshire needs a Republican that can get elected, and, more importantly, that can be counted upon to go to Washington and undo the destruction as quickly as possible. With John E. Sununu and former Gov Merrill both out of the picture, it’s questionable– from a conservative point of view– as to whether Ms. Ayotte becomes the next best choice, despite what some are saying…
"But Doug, look at today’s polling– SHE CAN BEAT DEMOCRAT HODES! Surely you want to win, right?" Whoa, there now. While I certainly note that the UNH survey shows Ayotte the only Republican beating likely Democratic nominee Paul Hodes in hypothetical "trial heat" matchups, I agree with the authors of the survey in that we are still a long ways off, and only a small number of Republicans have made up their minds, given the wide open nature of the upcoming primary. And don’t fail to account for the fact that Ayotte, while certainly a savvy player with regards to how she performs in an appointed position free of the usual politics and muckraking, has yet to stand up to the scrutiny and open commentary a political campaign will no doubt bring. Despite the initial knee jerk exuberance on the part of some Republicans at the prospect of a young, female candidate with little to no political track record, there are a few items that others, giving this a little thought, view as potential problems for a candidate Ayotte down the road.
First of all, conservatives and Republicans seeking real "change" with regards to the present economic situation that understand all of the problems built into the so-called "stimulus" package and what it will do to us down the road, ought to put great care into who they pick to take Judd Gregg’s place. Do they want a Republican in the mold of Mainers Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins, both of whom VOTED FOR THE STIMULUS stinker, turning their backs on fiscal sanity and party? Of course they don’t! Most true conservatives I know DESPISE these constant Republican traitors from the Pine Tree State. That is why they should take note of who is among the so-called Party bigwigs promoting Kelly Ayotte…
In an exclusive story found today at James Pindell’s, it being reported that Ayotte has been talking with Judd Gregg, Sen John Cornyn, and, SUSAN COLLINS about a possible run for the NH seat. Yes- THAT Susan Collins. I challenge ANY good conservative to tell me that Collins has done anything good for the cause lately, or even ever. I am skeptical of anybody that, given the present times of economic upheaval and the rise of the Tea Party movement, is associated with the likes of stimulus-backer Collins. This could spell trouble in lost enthusiasm for a base seeing little difference between a squishy moderate in the mold of a Susan Collins versus a Paul Hodes. I know I would rather vote for nobody, given that option. Why endure the heartache and heartburn of entrenching such a Republican empowered with incumbency status forever? Is it not better to work on the up and coming prospects for the NEXT opportunity?
Then there’s the Lynch connection. The sign at the June 24 Concord Tea Party said it all:
I’m sure that, given his latest stretch of broken campaign promises and a lack of effective leadership through the perilous economic straits, many Republicans now agree that John Lynch is indeed, when you look at the lasting damage he has allowed, the worst governor ever. What should be made of the fact that Kelly Ayotte was reappointed to the Attorney General position by this governor? As the state’s top lawyer, she has been defending his programs and policies, including the present debacle involving the JUA funds some say have been "stolen" to balance the not-so-frugal state budget.
Pindell’s aforementioned exclusive story also reports that