Tausch, sounding more and more like a Senate candidate, weighs in on Sotomayer

Tausch at Concord Tea Party June 24 Following on the heels of this week’s latest anti-Obama, andti-"stimulus" mailing from STEWARD of Prosperity’s Fred Tausch, the Nashua businessman weighs in on the Sotomayer Supreme Court nomination: SENATORS MUST REJECT SOTOMAYOR’S JUDICIAL ACTIVISM CONCORD, NH – STEWARD of Prosperity founder Fred Tausch, of Merrimack, released the following … Read more

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’s baaaaaaaaack! The Country Clubbers start to crawl out of the woodwork for their chosen candidate Kelly Ayotte

   In a September 2006 post here on the ‘Grok I wrote: When I  look at a candidate for any office, I always look behind the scenes to see who is in their circle of supporters, when they joined the team, and why. Senior Political Correspondent for the Union Leader John DiStaso writes of Tom Rath … Read more

Do Republicans, Granite Staters really want a Lynch protégé for the US Senate?

Kelly Ayotte

The more one learns about Kelly Ayotte, the more worrisome the prospect becomes of her gaining the GOP nomination for the crucial Senate seat being vacated by present Senator Judd Gregg. Following the initial stumble (as first reported in this GraniteGrok exclusive) when the New Hampshire Attorney General reneged on her acceptance of a keynote speaker’s gig at a prominent GOP function– which insiders claim was at the request of Governor Lynch himself– the most recent "buzz" surrounding her potential candidacy is a mixed bag at best. Given the far-ranging damage being wrought by President Obama and the Democratic majority in Congress, New Hampshire  needs a Republican that can get elected, and, more importantly, that can be counted upon to go to Washington and undo the destruction as quickly as possible. With John E. Sununu and former Gov Merrill both out of the picture, it’s questionable– from a conservative point of view– as to whether Ms. Ayotte becomes the next best choice, despite what some are saying…

"But Doug, look at today’s polling– SHE CAN BEAT DEMOCRAT HODES! Surely you want to win, right?" Whoa, there now. While I certainly note that the UNH survey shows Ayotte the only Republican beating likely Democratic nominee Paul Hodes in hypothetical "trial heat" matchups, I agree with the authors of the survey in that we are still a long ways off, and only a small number of Republicans have made up their minds, given the wide open nature of the upcoming primary. And don’t fail to account for the fact that Ayotte, while certainly a savvy player with regards to how she performs in an appointed position free of the usual politics and muckraking, has yet to stand up to the scrutiny and open commentary a political campaign will no doubt bring. Despite the initial knee jerk exuberance on the part of some Republicans at the prospect of a young, female candidate with little to no political track record, there are a few items that others, giving this a little thought, view as potential problems for a candidate Ayotte down the road.

First of all, conservatives and Republicans seeking real "change" with regards to the present economic situation that understand all of the problems built into the so-called "stimulus" package and what it will do to us down the road, ought to put great care into who they pick to take Judd Gregg’s place. Do they want a Republican in the mold of Mainers Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins, both of whom VOTED FOR THE STIMULUS stinker, turning their backs on fiscal sanity and party? Of course they don’t! Most true conservatives I know DESPISE these constant Republican traitors from the Pine Tree State. That is why they should take note of who is among the so-called Party bigwigs promoting Kelly Ayotte…

In an exclusive story found today at James Pindell’s NHPoliticalReport.com, it being reported that Ayotte has been talking with Judd Gregg, Sen John Cornyn, and, SUSAN COLLINS about a possible run for the NH seat. Yes- THAT Susan Collins. I challenge ANY good conservative to tell me that Collins has done anything good for the cause lately, or even ever. I am skeptical of anybody that, given the present times of economic upheaval and the rise of the Tea Party movement, is associated with the likes of stimulus-backer Collins. This could spell trouble in lost enthusiasm for a base seeing little difference between a squishy moderate in the mold of a Susan Collins versus a Paul Hodes. I know I would rather vote for nobody, given that option. Why endure the heartache and heartburn of entrenching such a Republican empowered with incumbency status forever? Is it not better to work on the up and coming prospects for the NEXT opportunity?

Then there’s the Lynch connection. The sign at the June 24 Concord Tea Party said it all:

Gov Lynch

I’m sure that, given his latest stretch of broken campaign promises and a lack of effective leadership through the perilous economic straits, many Republicans now agree that John Lynch is indeed, when you look at the lasting damage he has allowed, the worst governor ever. What should be made of the fact that Kelly Ayotte was reappointed to the Attorney General position by this governor? As the state’s top lawyer, she has been defending his programs and policies, including the present debacle involving the JUA funds some say have been "stolen" to balance the not-so-frugal state budget.

Pindell’s aforementioned exclusive story also reports that


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ATTENTION! Message of “change” ends up meaning what it always has: Government knows best

Fred Tausch

Guest post by Fred Tausch

“We must push to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington”

LIKE MOST Americans, I’ve always believed hard work, self-reliance and integrity are all you need to succeed in America. We don’t believe government owes us a living, just the opportunity to succeed or fail by our own initiative, hard work and talent.
We want a government that shares our convictions; that does its work, not ours, and does it competently; that manages its budget as responsibly as we manage our own budgets; a government that doesn’t play favorites or use our money to reward the failures of others; a government that earns our trust by trusting us and leveling with us about the cost and performance of its programs.

All we ever seem to get, though, is a government that increases its own prerogatives and power rather than the liberties and opportunities of the people it serves; a government with little accountability and less transparency; a government that tries to do things it was not intended to do and has no idea how to do. And many of the things it must do, it does not do well.

The Republican Party is the party of fiscal discipline, the party that trusted Americans to make their own decisions about how to use their money to build their dreams.  But, when Republican leaders lost their way, they lost me. I voted for George Bush in 2000 because I believed he would be a careful steward of our prosperity. Instead, he and Republicans in Congress turned a budget surplus into a huge deficit. They cut taxes but didn’t make the spending cuts necessary for the government to live within its means. They spent record sums on a bailout of the financial industry that I knew from the outset would be an expensive failure, without giving us any clear idea what the money could be used for and how it would be paid back.

Barack Obama promised to change that, and I hoped he would. He promised to put government on a budget that didn’t exceed its revenues, to be as careful with our money as we are and to take the best ideas from both parties and offer new solutions to the challenges of our time. But as soon as the applause at his inauguration subsided, he began to break his promises.


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Sununu will NOT run for US Senate in 2010

Former US Senator John E Sununu (GG file photo) In an emailed statement, Senator John E. Sununu announced today that he will not run for office in the 2010 election cycle. “Representing New Hampshire in the United States Senate is a great honor, but effective public service is much more than just a desire to … Read more

Taush’s STEWARD: From mail to radio to TV.

Leaving no media aside, Fred Tausch’s STEWARD of Prosperity fiscal restraint message machine now hits the TV airwaves. If there was anybody left in the state of New Hampshire that HASN’T heard the anti-stimulus, anti-spending, pro-transparency, anti-Obamanomic perspective being delivered with the cold hard economic facts and reasoning combined with a somewhat biting sense of … Read more

GraniteGrok US Senate Poll: Who should Republicans put up for the seat in 2010?

    With the announcement that NH Attorney General Kelly Ayotte was to be the featured speaker at an upcoming GOP event before backing out, it appears she is at least taking the first initial steps to a possible run for NH’s US Senate seat being vacated by Judd Gregg. This further raises expectations that were … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Ayotte removes herself from keynote speaker role at GOP event

GraniteGrok has learned from GOP sources that NH’s Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, rumored to be considering a run for the Republican nomination for the US Senate, has pulled herself from the keynote speaker role at the Winnipesaukee GOP’s annual Fourth of July breakfast. This comes on the heels of several reports earlier in the day heralding the … Read more

Hodes looks to his would-be future master for fundraising help

.    Brother Reid, can you spare a dime? After a disappointing first fundraising quarter as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, Democratic Rep. Paul Hodes (NH-02) is turning to embattled Senate Majority leader Harry Reid for fundraising help. Reid will headline a June 3rd Hodes fundraiser in Washington, D.C., the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll … Read more

Tausch Targets Hodes With New Mailer

Paul Hodes


Tausch ad

"why did Paul Hodes give them millions in bonuses?"

That is the question Fred Tausch asks in yet another clever STEWARD mailer destined for the mailboxes of Granite Staters. On the heels of the hard-hitting direct mail piece slamming Obama for comparing the ill-conceived Air Force One NYC flyover photo-op and his spending program,


Air Force One over NYC

Tausch turns his sights on Paul Hodes– Democratic candidate seeking the nomination to run for Judd Gregg’s seat in the 2010 US Senate election. And, in targeting the present congressman from NH’s 2nd District, he skewers him in fine fashion– using his own words. The STEWARD mailpiece points the bony finger and calls Hodes what he is:

A Hypocrite on the AIG Scandal

Steward explains. Working off the above-noted March 18, 2009 statement by Hodes, the mailer shreds his supposed concern: 


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Let the cleansing begin…

A great place to start would be to send long-time Connecticut Senator Dodd packing, and this could be just the man to do it:     Visit his website at http://www.joinrobsimmons.com/ or you can also follow him on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/robsimmons    

Judd Gregg: The budget of the President spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much.”

Judd Gregg

US Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH)

Regular readers know that from time to time, we have been quite critical of Senator Judd Gregg’s performance both as a Republican and as a supposed conservative. We’re happy to note that in the short time since his flirtation with the Magic Obama, the Senator has regained his footing and has been as strong in his criticism of the proposed taxpayer-busting budget as anyone. This week, our senior Senator provided the Republican weekly radio address and provided some much-needed detail and words of caution regarding the Magic Obama’s budget. I appreciate this, and would further add that, given Gregg’s attempts at bipartisan cooperation with the Democrat-led Executive Branch, he has a degree of credibility on these fiscal issues that cannot be tagged simply as partisan rhetoric…

GREGG: Hello, I’m Judd Gregg , Senator from New Hampshire. We all know these are difficult times. People are worried about keeping their jobs, paying their bills, the value of their homes and the cost of sending their kids to college. It’s hard.

Thus I appreciate, as do all Americans, the efforts being made by our President and his seriousness about addressing these issues.

But what concerns many of us are his proposals in the budget he recently sent to the Congress that dramatically grow the size and cost of government and move it to the left.

It is our opinion that this plan spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.

You may have heard this before that the budget of the President spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.

What do we mean? Well, let me give you a few examples.


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Let the games begin! Paul Hodes: Tax and WASTE

Following on the heels of Congressman Paul Hodes’ announcement of his intention to seek the Democratic nomination for NH’s US Senate seat (presently held occupied vacated in limbo thanks to Judd Gregg’s imminent departure) in 2010, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has just released an ad in response:     Ah… I’m lovin’ every minute … Read more

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