SCOTUS Immunity Decision and Why Barry Obama Should Be Very Worried

The US Supreme Court did something miraculous the other day. You’ll have heard by now. They erased over 240 years of Presidential carte blanche. The once all-powerful, seemingly un-prosecutable office of the president, extended to former Presidents, is no more. SCOTUS Upended it, ended it, undermined it, and put every US President on the hook for potential prosecution.

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Trump mug shot

David Sacks’ Irrefutable Case For Supporting Trump

Do you know who Davi Sacks is, bitter-clingers? He is a tech entrepreneur who was a contemporary of Elon Musk’s at PayPal. The Biden-Regime’s policies have been so ruinous … intentionally so … that sometimes it seems impossible to summarize the breadth and depth of the damage. That is why you have me, bitter-clingers.

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Why Rank-and-File Democrats (Woke-Communists) Are So Dirty And Grimy

It is the restrictors. The rank-and-file “Democrats” … more accurately, Woke-commie-bots … do not have enough water pressure when they bathe. They believe that grime is a a small price for pay for supposedly saving the polar ice-caps. The ruling class Woke-commies … the George Clooneys, Jimmy Kimmel’s, etc. … get to have full water pressure.

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Trump mug shot

Night Cap: Fight Back … Or Just Shut Up

Memorandum regarding Trump “conviction.” Either fight back or shut up. Enough with the “double standard,” “hypocrisy,” “eroding confidence in rule of law,” blah, blah, blah rhetoric that the Left just laughs at. Fight back or shut up and go away.

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The Trans-justice Case Against Trump

Since the very first days Donald Trump won the 2016 election his political enemies, once respectfully called Democrats, made it clear they were going after him and his supporters with a vengeance.  Though he hadn’t been in office long enough to warrant impeachment Rashida Tlaib defiantly announced to a crowd of her fellow Americans and … Read more

Trump mug shot

NO … Trump Did Not Just “Win The Election”

Do you really believe that the same people who would brazenly rig a criminal trial against the most high-profile defendant imaginable … a former President and current leading candidate for that very office … would hesitate to rig an election? Do you not understand that the “conviction” of Trump and the other “lawfare” are just … Read more

Alvin Bragg Manhattan DA

Night Cap: Trump Verdict … I Told You So

One year ago I told you bitter-clingers that this was coming … that the Left and the UniParty-GOP would NEVER let Trump become President again … that they would do anything and everything to maintain their grip on power. From last April: Perhaps the worst take I’ve seen on the Bragg indictment was on this … Read more

Trump Verdict Shows How Pathetic And Useless The NHGOP Is

We are witnessing the 2024 election being stolen … the latest and most obvious: the Kafkaesque sham trial of Donald Trump in the kangaroo-courts of New York … and what is the reaction of the NHGOP? To call for Red States to conduct law fare back against the Democrats? To call for New Hampshire Retirement … Read more

Night Cap: Trump’s Racist Rant In The Bronx

Trump proved it … proved that what the Woke-Communists have been saying about him is absolutely true. The man is a RACIST. He actually said … “It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans and we’re gonna pull together … Read more

For Democrats, Justice is a One-Way Street

Most people would agree that no free society can survive without a fair, unbiased justice system, one in which everyone is treated equally and no one is above the law. While so many governments around the world are rife with corruption and unequal justice, most Americans agree that, while imperfect, our judicial system has always been the best there is.

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GW Bush - Twitter Video Screen grab

“W” Stands For “U”

I still remember George W. Bush being called a fascist, etc. by the Left when he was President. Now it is so different. He is one of the “good ones.” What changed? Not W.

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Last Chance to Save the Soul of the Nation

The presidential campaign of 2008 marked a turning point in America.

Millions of voters were electrified by the prospect of the first African-American president. Even one of Barack Obama’s opposing candidates seemed mesmerized by the moment: “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

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Bananas: Biden Gives Epic State of the Onion Address

Despite having lower approval ratings than people who club baby seals, Joe Biden faced the nation last week to deliver the annual State of the Union address.  After a lengthy wait for him to arrive at the Capitol, where many wondered if he might have fallen or gotten lost, again, the gamey 80-year-old entered the house to a cacophony of groans and forced adulation as he made his way to the dais.

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Liz Cheney Image credit - Cheney Web Site

And Yet More Evidence That “J6” Was Orchestrated By The UniParty

Nothing to see here. Just grab your ballot and vote Republican. The “libs” are the opposition. Anyone on the ballot with an “R” after his name is on your side. It’s “R” versus “D.” Go, team “R” go! The nothing-to-see-here is merely Liz Cheney, that “traditional” Republican, working hand-in-glove with the Democrats and the Deep State to foment the “insurrection.”

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We’re Not That Stupid, Mikey … Biden Was Never “That Guy”

At least, Mikey Graham is FINALLY being honest about it … he and his ilk helped elect Biden in 2020. But he is NOT being honest about WHY. The real reason is that Donald Trump represented (and still represents) an existential threat to the grift of “traditional Republicans,” to use Mikey’s euphemism for the country-club elitists like McConnell, Sununu, Ayotte, etc.:

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Sun King Sununu

Night Cap: Chris Sununu … An Idiot Or A Liar?

Here is the latest nonsense from New Hampshire’s fast-talking Sun-King, Chris Sununu … GOP voters don’t support Trump because of his policies but because they believe he is a fighter. I know it is just anecdotal evidence, mighty Sun-King, but you are a fighter and I certainly do NOT support you … because you fight … Read more

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