We are witnessing the 2024 election being stolen … the latest and most obvious: the Kafkaesque sham trial of Donald Trump in the kangaroo-courts of New York … and what is the reaction of the NHGOP? To call for Red States to conduct law fare back against the Democrats? To call for New Hampshire Retirement to divest from New York companies? To call for a tourist-boycott of New York? No, no and no.
Indeed, the NHGOP can’t even bring itself to call the sham, show-trial a sham, show-trial. Instead, the best these feckless, grifting, buffoons can manage is to shed a few crocodile tears about “eroding confidence in the justice system.” There is no rule of law in America. Since Biden stole the Presidency … itself an act of lawlessness … it has been obvious there is no rule of law. J6 protesters incarcerated for years … BLM and Antifa terrorists walk free. Pro-life protesters incarcerated for years. Illegal aliens streaming by the millions across the nonexistent Southern border.
Is there anything more pathetic and useless than the NHGOP?