The Despicable Treatment of President Trump

“Hidin” Biden and the Demolitioncrats resurrected the word CONSPIRACY with the assistance of mad mastermind Marc Elias and a spurned presidential political candidate, Hillary Clinton.

That is the opinion of fair-minded political analysts: Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest at George Washington University; Alan Dershowitz, the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and a prolific author; Matthew Whitaker, former Acting United States Attorney General and Gregg Jarrett, Fox News legal expert. Unparalleled marshaling of Federal bureaucracy, media, and moneyed “elite” power against one person is unprecedented in American history.

The United States is becoming a Stalinist/Putin U.S.S.R. or a Maoist/ Xi-Jinping Chinese Communist Cartel.

Matthew Colangelo’s (a Biden/Merkwan acolyte) New York trial of Donald Trump is an unmitigated disgrace of the judge, jury, and justice in the United States. None of the pre-eminent lawyers mentioned can identify any crime the Biden, Colangelo, and Bragg co-conspirators( BCB) have alleged against President Trump! No law degree is necessary to understand that “ failure to charge a crime” and then try anyone for an unknown crime is unconstitutional and a revival of the English Star Chamber proceedings and the Spanish Inquisition. History does not repeat, but it does rhyme!

The BCB trial culminates endless “ Grand Hoaxes,” painfully endured by President Trump and patriotic Americans. Judge Merchan exemplifies the perversion of American justice. Merchan contributed to Biden’s campaign. His daughter raises millions of dollars for Demolitioncrats, who cheer Merchan’s judicial shenanigans. Yet Merchan fails to recuse himself, and the United States judicial system says, “ Amen”!

The United States justice system has one savior: Democrat New York City jurors. Whatever the result, President Trump will persist and save the USA for my grandchildren.

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