Democrat Hacktivist Who Justifies Violence Against Female 2nd Amendment Supporters Calls for “Disruption” of Trump Event in Manchester …

You may remember Eric Gallagher. I previously posted about his “you are a RACIST if you oppose Open Borders” defense of Open Borders. And about his justifying an assault on Susan Olsen by a Democrat State Rep: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, during a recount. Apparently, young Mr. Gallagher … Read more

Wanna-Be Democrat State Rep Condones Violence Against Women

I took a certain Eric Gallagher to task here for using the Democrat strategy of screeching RACIST to avoid defending illegal immigration. I didn’t have the time then to note another beauty from young Mr. Gallagher who aspires to be a Democrat State Rep.: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, … Read more

Is Debra Altschiller the New Hampshire Dems’ Newest ‘Assault Rep?’

In case you missed it, Representative Debra Altschiller (D-Stratham) was accused of assaulting the Women’s Defense League’s Legislative Director, Susan Olsen after Altschiller’s Red Flag bill was retained by the Criminal Justice Committee rather than being passed out of the committee as Altschiller had expected. Olsen told the story to Skip Murphy. You can watch … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 6 (take two)

And we come to the end of this series – and we finish off with a further discussion of the Left’s completely unhinged “projection”: And of course, these Progressives (NH State Rep Debra Altschiller and Zandra Rice-Hawkins) just had to try to turn the tables: Conservatives, take heed of Miss Susan’s response to these pusillanimous … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 6 of 6

DON’T TOUCH ME! DON’T TOUCH ME! GIVE HER A WIDE BERTH, THEY’RE ARMED! That by NH State Rep Debra Altschiller.  See what she did there?  If the alleged physical attack on Miss Susan by her is true, Altschiller immediately reverts back to the now Democrat standby – Victimhood via Projection.  She does, then accuses.  You … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 5

“I don’t know who said it ‘If they treat us this way knowing we are armed to the teeth, think of how they will treat us when we are not”. That was the quote by Susan Olsen at the end of Part 4.  Here in Part 5, we hear more of the story including this … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 4

“…all of a sudden, I get shoved, hipchecked, into the committee table…” “OK, it’s been a while since I last put up videos concerning the alleged physical assault of Conservative Activist ( and Legislative Director for the Womens’ Defense League of NH, WDLNH) Susan Olsen by NH State Rep. (and Democrat Big Shot – see … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 3

The saga continues – and Miss Susan tells it so well.  Here is the third installment of telling the tale of the alleged assault by NH State Rep Debra Altschiller.  I think the operative phrase is “throwing her weight around” (and I’m not talking about a scale) in a political sense.  Obviously a sense of … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 1

Let me repeat that another way: did NH State Rep Debra Altschiller (D-Stratham) physically assault WDLNH Legislative Director Susan Olsen after the Executive Session on HB687 (the “Red Flag” bill) that strips someone of their Constitutional due process rights simply on hearsay in an exparte hearing? Seemingly, it has happened again (allegedly) – venerable Conservative … Read more

The Tweet That Got Me Blocked By #AssaultRep

I’m sure you know of Representative Katherine Rogers, perhaps better known as #AssaultRep. She is that paradigm of Leftist tolerance who assaulted Second Amendment activist Susan Olsen, plead guilty to the assault, yet was exonerated and lionized for it by New Hampshire’s biased press: The coverage -if it can even be called that- by WMUR … Read more

Susan Olsen - WDLNH HTL Rally

WDLNH ‘Hold the Line” Fifth Annual Gun Rally – Susan Olsen

This past Saturday was the Women’s Defense League of NH’s Fifth Annual Gun Rally complete with a number of Conservative groups, informed speakers, a crowd that filled the State House plaza in Concord, NH – and of course, GraniteGrok! One of the sobering moments (there were two – I’ll post the other one up in … Read more

Susan Olsen - WDLNH HTL Rally

Micro – Interview: Susan Olsen Has a Message for Shannon Watts

Yesterday, the Women’s Defense League of NH held its Fifth Annual Gun Rally on the State House Plaza in Concord NH (noon to 3 pm). I arrived early, set up my cameras, then had some time to do what I like doing – micro-interviews. Susan Olsen is a tireless Conservative activist, the Legislative Director for … Read more

Hold The Line – GrokInterview with Susan Olsen

Before all of the testimony on the Democrat Second Amendment infringing bills started, I caught up with the Womens’ Defense League honchos (and Groksters!) Kimberly Morin and Susan Olsen who graciously agreed to spend a few minutes with GraniteGrok.  Here, Susan Olsen shares her thoughts with me what these bills would do to the Live … Read more

Once again, Republicans refuse to stand up for…..Republicans

You can be sure that if this was on the other foot, that it was a Republican that had won with “uncertain” residency credentials, NH Dem Party Chair would be threatening to bomb the Hague NH State Senate chambers. But once again, we see limpness of elected Republican spines in the face of confrontation (reformatted, emphasis mine):

There’s no chance Republican senators will challenge the credentials of newly elected Democrat Jon Morgan, according to Sen. Chuck Morse, R-Salem, who will serve as Republican minority leader when the Senate reconvenes for the new year. As far as Republicans are concerned, the matter was settled when Morgan’s opponent, Republican incumbent Bill Gannon of Sandown, withdrew his complaint to the Ballot Law Commission just before its Monday meeting, Morse said. Gannon’s challenge, based on constitutional residency requirements, conjured memories among some longtime political observers of a case involving Gov. Sununu — not the incumbent, but his father, Gov. John H. Sununu, who served from 1983 to 1989.

I really don’t care about the Papa Smurf historical anecdote except for one thing he has common with Trump: he fights.  Chuck Morse comes out looking like a beta male in this.

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Susan Olsen, Bob Clegg, Rick Olson – Negron is Gun Owner’s Choice in CD – 2

Negron Gun Shop

by Susan Olsen, Bob Clegg, and Rick Olson

Not since US Representative Dick Swett of the “Swett Lies” fame has the Second Amendment Constitutionalists felt so betrayed by the actions of a CD 2 Member of Congress. We are very disappointed in Lobbyist-turned-Politician Ann Mclane Kuster, and we need a change. ln a field full of Republican candidates, there is only one clear choice to represent us in the second Congressional District, one clear choice who will defend our 2nd Amendment right. Steve Negron has proven himself to be our number one advocate, a real defender of the entire Bill of Rights.

Steve has a proven track record in the State Legislature voting citizens’ rights every time. He was vital in passing SB12, otherwise known as, Constitutional Carry. The success of this bill had been a long time coming and Steve was instrumental in getting the votes across the finish line.

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Gun Bill Clears Hurdle in New Hampshire House

Susan Olsen has an update on SB500 which finally cleared a committee hurdle in the New Hampshire House and could get a floor vote next week. For more ways to listen visit the original blog post, here.

Gun Bill Clears Hurdle in New Hampshire House

Susan Olsen has an update on SB500 which finally cleared a committee hurdle in the New Hampshire House and could get a floor vote next week. Follow this program on TuneIn

The Slings and Arrows of a Citizen Legislature

Susan Olsen shares her experience with a NH House committee and a simple piece of legislation and how having a citizen legislature, while necessary to a free and prosperous people, can (sometimes) be a serious pain in the ass. Visit the blog page of this podcast for more ways to listen.

Firearms Legislation Update: House Hearing on SB500

Susan Olsen returns to provide an update from yesterday’s hearing in the New Hampshire House for SB500. Legislation to amend firearms terminology in state Statute. (We even toss in a fashion alert on that “retired” resource officer from Parkland, Florida.) Check out the blog post of this podcast for more ways to listen.

A Letter from the Governor, Then an Important History Lesson about the Second Amendment

Susan Olsen, the MC of the 4th annual WDL 2A Rally, reads a letter from an important 2A supporter in New Hampshire, then shares a history lesson that, to me at least, was the best part of the entire rally. Check out the original blog post for more ways to listen.

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