I’m sure you know of Representative Katherine Rogers, perhaps better known as #AssaultRep. She is that paradigm of Leftist tolerance who assaulted Second Amendment activist Susan Olsen, plead guilty to the assault, yet was exonerated and lionized for it by New Hampshire’s biased press:
Earlier this week, #AssaultRep tweeted this:
To which I responded as follows:
This followed:
There was nothing abusive or ad hominem in my tweet. It simply made the point -with snark- that #AssaultRep was virtue signaling, and that what she really found exciting is having power over other people’s lives.
If what I said had not struck home, if #AssaultRep had any counterargument, she obviously would not have needed to block me. But instead in a similar state of pique to when she assaulted Susan Olsen, she blocked me.
This is why the Left is so opposed to school choice. Because they live in fear of children hearing any viewpoints other than their own, because their viewpoints cannot withstand scrutiny.
This is why the Left has no problem infringing the First Amendment (as long as they are the ones doing the infringing). They cannot win a battle of ideas, so they must suppress the ideas they cannot defeat.
If you can’t hit ’em, block ’em. Right, #AssaultRep?