by Susan Olsen, Bob Clegg, and Rick Olson
Not since US Representative Dick Swett of the “Swett Lies” fame has the Second Amendment Constitutionalists felt so betrayed by the actions of a CD 2 Member of Congress. We are very disappointed in Lobbyist-turned-Politician Ann Mclane Kuster, and we need a change. ln a field full of Republican candidates, there is only one clear choice to represent us in the second Congressional District, one clear choice who will defend our 2nd Amendment right. Steve Negron has proven himself to be our number one advocate, a real defender of the entire Bill of Rights.
Steve has a proven track record in the State Legislature voting citizens’ rights every time. He was vital in passing SB12, otherwise known as, Constitutional Carry. The success of this bill had been a long time coming and Steve was instrumental in getting the votes across the finish line.
Here’s the complete signed letter.
Olsen, Clegg, Olson - Negron 2A Choice in CD-2